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Search on : ILEMOBADE, AA [Author]
References found : 7 [refine]
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 Ilemobade, AA, Olanrewaju, OO and Griffioen, ML Greywater reuse for toilet flushing at a university academic and residential building. Water SA, 2013, vol.39, no.3, p.199-210. ISSN 1816-7950
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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 Jacobs, HE and Ilemobade, AA Preface: Water footprint. Water SA, 2013, vol.39, no.3, p.341-344. ISSN 1816-7950
    · text in english

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 Mac Bean, CB and Ilemobade, AA An evaluation of the primary South African standard and guideline for the provision of water for firefighting. Water SA, Oct 2019, vol.45, no.4, p.691-699. ISSN 1816-7950
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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 van Zyl, HJ, Ilemobade, AA and van Zyl, JE An improved area-based guideline for domestic water demand estimation in South Africa. Water SA, Mar 2008, vol.34, no.3, p.381-392. ISSN 1816-7950
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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 Lugoma, MFT, van Zyl, JE and Ilemobade, AA The extent of on-site leakage in selected suburbs of Johannesburg. Water SA, Jan 2012, vol.38, no.1, p.127-132. ISSN 1816-7950
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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 Ilemobade, AA, Adewumi, JR and van Zyl, JE Framework for assessing the viability of implementing dual water reticulation systems in South Africa. Water SA (Online), 2009, vol.35, no.2, p.216-227. ISSN 1816-7950
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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 Lobanga, KP, van Zyl, JE and Ilemobade, AA The extent of non-compliant plumbing components used in South Africa. Water SA (Online), 2009, vol.35, no.2, p.175-182. ISSN 1816-7950
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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