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Database : article
Search on : O'DONOGHUE, ROB [Author]
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 Schudel, Ingrid et al. Contextualising learning in Advanced Certificate in Education (Environmental Education) courses: synthesising contexts and experiences. S. Afr. j. educ., Nov 2008, vol.28, no.4, p.543-559. ISSN 0256-0100
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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 O'Donoghue, Rob et al. A Formative Study Towards the Inclusion of Indigenous Technologies and Knowledge Practices in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Curriculum Settings. Educ. res. soc. change, Apr 2024, vol.13, no.1, p.34-47. ISSN 2221-4070
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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