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Base de dados : article
Pesquisa : RODDA, N [Autor]
Referências encontradas : 6 [refinar]
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 Naidoo, D et al. Testing household disinfectants for the inactivation of helminth eggs on surfaces and in spills during pit latrine emptying. Water SA, Oct 2016, vol.42, no.4, p.560-570. ISSN 1816-7950
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Sershen, et al. Water security in South Africa: Perceptions on public expectations and municipal obligations, governance and water re-use. Water SA, July 2016, vol.42, no.3, p.456-465. ISSN 1816-7950
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 Lubbe, E, Rodda, N and Sershen, Effects of greywater irrigation on germination, growth and photosynthetic characteristics in selected African leafy vegetables. Water SA, Apr 2016, vol.42, no.2, p.203-212. ISSN 1816-7950
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Singh, U et al. Microbial quality of drinking water from groundtanks and tankers at source and point-of-use in eThekwini Municipality, South Africa, and its relationship to health outcomes. Water SA, 2013, vol.39, no.5, p.663-673. ISSN 1816-7950
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 Rodda, N et al. Development of guidance for sustainable irrigation use of greywater in gardens and small-scale agriculture in South Africa. Water SA, 2011, vol.37, no.5, p.727-737. ISSN 1816-7950
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Field, T-L and Rodda, N Bigen Africa Services v City of Cape Town: Audit Culture and State Self-Review in the Water and Sanitation Sector. PER, 2023, vol.26, no.1, p.1-22. ISSN 1727-3781
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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