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Base de dados : article
Pesquisa : VAN HEERDEN, C [Autor]
Referências encontradas : 5 [refinar]
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 Van Heerden, C et al. Visual motor integration in children living in childcare institutions in Gauteng. S. Afr. j. occup. ther., 2011, vol.41, no.1, p.38-43. ISSN 2310-3833
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 van Heerden, C and Coetzee, H Perspectives on the termination of debt review in terms of section 86(10) of the National credit Act 34 of 2005. PER, 2011, vol.14, no.2, p.36-65. ISSN 1727-3781
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Boraine, A and van Heerden, C To sequestrate or not to sequestrate in view of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005: a tale of two judgments. PER, 2010, vol.13, no.3, p.84-124. ISSN 1727-3781
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Van Heerden, C and Coetzee, H Wesbank v Deon Winston Papier and the National Credit Regulator. De Jure (Pretoria), 2011, vol.44, no.2, p.463-479. ISSN 2225-7160
    · texto em inglês

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 Roestoff, M and van Heerden, C Nedbank Ltd v Swartbooi Unreported Case No 708/2012 (ECP). De Jure (Pretoria), Jan 2014, vol.47, no.1, p.140-160. ISSN 2225-7160
    · texto em inglês

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