ISSN 2078-5127 online version



Scope and Policy

The AJHPE is a journal for health professions educators. It carries research articles, short scientific reports, letters, editorials, education practice, personal opinion and other topics related to the education of health care professionals. It also features African education-related news, obituaries and general correspondence.

The posting of comments to published articles requires registration with this journal website. Only constructive comments that relate to the published material will be permitted. Posted comments solely represent the opinions of the respective user and not those of the AJHPE, and do not imply endorsement by the AJHPE. The AJHPE reserves the right to remove comments without notice that are abusive, threatening, defamatory, contain advertising or spam, or violate another user’s privacy. The AJHPE reserves the right to revoke the privileges of users that post inappropriate material. Such material may be brought to the attention of the publisher ( The AJHPE reserves the right to modify this policy without notice.


Preparation and Style of Manuscripts

For the preparation and style of the manuscript, please see:


Manuscript submission Process

To submit an article:

  • Please ensure that you have prepared your manuscript in line with the AJHPE requirements.
  • All submissions should be submitted via Editorial Manager
  • The following are required for your submission to be complete:

    • Anonymous manuscript (unless otherwise stated)
    • Author Agreement form
    • Manuscript
    • Any supple files: figures, datasets, patient consent form, permissions for published images, etc.

  • Once the submission has been successfully processed on Editorial Manager, it will undergo a technical check by the Editorial Office before it will be assigned to an editor who will handle the review process. If the author guidelines have not been appropriately followed, the manuscript may be sent back to the author for correcting.

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Tel: +27 12 481 2069