- Manuscripts can be submitted in Afrikaans, English, Dutch or German,
and should preferably be between 4 000 and 7 000 words.
- Manuscripts may be submitted to the editor by ordinary post or by
The Editor: Acta Theologica
Faculty of Theology (87)
University of the Free State
P.O. Box 339
- All contributions are reviewed on academic grounds. Authors are invited
to submit the names and addresses of three to four persons as referees.
The editorial board usually contacts at least one referee from this list. Refereeing is always anonymous.
- There are three levels of review: self–review by the author, pre–review by at least two members of the
editorial board and lastly, review by two independent referees. The author must complete the following self–review table:
Please Indicate with ✓ |
Please explain and substantiate briefly |
- Authors’ guidelines followed?
(e.g. length, referencing)
tick |
... |
- Acceptance of review policy of journal?
tick |
... |
- Clear articulation of research problem?
tick |
... |
- Indication of the contribution in terms of new knowledge
tick |
... |
- Indication of potential impact of the article?
tick |
... |
- Declaration: The article/content of the article has not
been/will not be published/submitted elsewhere.
tick |
... |
- Manuscripts of high scientific standard are considered for publication
provided that the editor reserves the right to make such alterations as
he sees fit to accommodate the style and presentation to the editorial
policy. Should extensive changes be necessary, the manuscript will be
returned to the author for correction or approval.
- Manuscripts are to be submitted in the first instance ready for the
press: finally edited, stylistically polished and carefully proofread.
- Titles should be as short and concise as possible.
- Articles should preferably be divided into subsections with suitable
headings. Headings and subheadings should be indicated by means of Arabic
figures, for example 3 being followed by 3.1, 3.1.1 and (at most).
- All articles must be provided with an edited abstract (a summary in
English) not exceeding 150 words.
- Three to four key words in both English and Afrikaans should be provided
at the end of the article. These should accurately render the discipline
in which the article is written as well as the specific contribution of
the article.
- Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided. Acronyms in current
use, for example USA, are acceptable. Abbreviations can be used in footnotes
and between parentheses.
- Italics (not bold) may only be used to indicate emphasis, a word
or expression from another language, or the title of a book.
- Quotes shorter than 20 words are placed in quotation marks as part
of the text. Quotes exceeding 20 words form a separate paragraph indented
without quotation marks.
- References in the text should preferably be in the Harvard style,
mentioning only the author's name as follows: (Young 2004:231, 272) or
Young (2004:231, 272) alleges that...
No comma after the author's surname.
No space after the colon.
References to works by Classical or Middle Ages authors should mention
the name of the author, the Latin/Greek title of the work (italics), and
the reference to the book, chapter, paragraph or sentence (in Arabic figures
with full stops), for example: Vergilius (Aeneis 12.601) or Cicero (de
Officiis 1.13.2).
- Quotations and references in footnotes are similar to quotations
and references in the text (See 12 and 13).
- Bibliographical details are provided in the literature list and not
in footnotes. A complete bibliography in the Harvard style must be provided,
giving all relevant details. All sources must be listed alphabetically
by authors’ surnames. Only works referred to in the text should be listed
in the bibliography. The following is a guideline:
VAN JAARSVELD, F.J. & JANSE VAN RENSBURG, J. 2002. Godskonsepte tydens pastorale gespreksvoering. AcTh 22(2):179–197.
Comma after the surname.
Full stops after the initials. If there is more than 1 initial, there is no space between the initials.
Use capital letters in the title only where absolutely necessary.
Only title of journal is in italics.
No spaces between issue number, colon and page numbers.
You are welcome to use abbreviations for journals, but should you suspect that the reader will not know
which journal is referred to, you may write the title out in full.
2002. Die Kunst der Argumentation bei Paulus. Studien zur antiken Rhetorik. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
WUNT 149.
1995. Trinitarian Theology today. Edinburgh: T&T Clark.
Comma after the surname.
Full stops after the initials. If there is more than 1 initial, there is no space between the initials.
Use capital letters in the title only where absolutely necessary.
Only title of book is in italics.
No space before colon after place of publication.
The series in which the book appears is mentioned at the end and not placed in brackets.
Articles in books with an editor:
1997. Finding the way to Paul’s theology. In: J.M. Bassler (ed.), Pauline theology. Vol 1. Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon (Minneapolis: Fortress, SBLSS 4), pp. 3–21.
The reference is similar to the one for an ordinary book, except that “In:” is added, the editor(s) is/are
named and the reference to the place of publication, publisher and series is placed in brackets so that
the reference to the page numbers reads more easily. Furthermore, pp. is used.
Newspaper reports:
When the author is not mentioned:
2001. Aborsie nie aanvaarbaar. 15 June, p. 23. Acta Theologica 2006:1
When the author is mentioned:
2002. Die pad voretoe. Die Volksblad 23 July, p. 2.
When the person concerned is mentioned:
2003. Nuwe onderwysbedeling. Die Volksblad 4 December, p.9.
Web pages:
Web page (author and date of publication mentioned)
2002. Teologie in ’n nuwe eeu. [Online.] Retrieved from: http://
www.kerk.org.za/bib/dokumente/3.html [2003, 5 January].
Web page (no author)
Teologie in ’n nuwe eeu. 1989. [Online.] Retrieved from: http://www.
kerk.org.za/bib/dokumente/3.html [2003, 5 January].
Web page (author; no date of publication)
[s.a.] Teologie in ’n nuwe eeu. [Online.] Retrieved from: http://
www.kerk.org.za/bib/dokumente/3/html [2003, 5 January].
- The author of an article receives 10 reprints of his/her article as well as one free copy of the specific issue of the journal.
- As Acta Theologica is an accredited journal, a page fee of R120 per page is levied. Such fees may be recouped from earnings on research publications. Authors do not bear the costs of articles, but receive accounts for submission to the management of the university or other institution where the author is employed.