ISSN 2225-6253
printed version |
The mission of the Journal is to disseminate
technical and topical information related to mining & metallurgy to
the members of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
to ensure that their information needs for technological and scientific
knowledge of the minerals and metals sectors in South Africa are met.
The SAIMM publishes technical and associated legal and economic information
on all aspects of the minerals and metals industry.
Papers should conform to the high standards that have been established over many years. Papers on research and scientific items should contain matter that is new, interpretations that are novel or of significance and conclusions that cast a fresh light on old ideas. The papers are reviewed by two referees and the targeted readership are our 3 500 members. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Manuscript format and layout The manuscript may be typed up in
a word document. All illustrations and tables should appear on separate
sheets at the end of the text. Illustrations should be clearly identified
in the text and should be referred to as Figure 1. Headings should
be kept to a maximum of three levels. The DTP department at the
SAIMM has a Template that is used for all papers. All papers submitted
are reformatted according to the Journal Template. The Journal
is published in an A4 book format. References must follow the British
standard BS4148. Numbering of references in the text in order of
appearances with superscripts (without brackets). Guidelines for
authors are available from the Journal Co-ordinator. |
Manuscript submission method: Email: |
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The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
5 Hollard Street, P.O. Box 61127, Marshalltown, Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA, 2107,
Tel: +27 11 834 1273, Tel: +27 11 834 1277