ISSN 1561-896X print version
ISSN 1998-8125 online version



Journal Scope

The Southern African Business Review serves as a vehicle for the publication and dissemination of research in the fields of the economic and management sciences.
Research contributions should conform to high standards of scientific scholarly research inquiry.
The following should at least be addressed: purpose/objective of the article, sound conceptualisation/theoretical foundation, statement of the research problem or hypothesis, clear research methodology, analysis/discussion of research findings, policy recommendation or implications for industry and conclusion.



Preparation, Style of Manuscripts and Submission

Authors' responsibilities

Authors should:

  • Declare any real or potential conflict of interest regarding the research and the publication process.
  • Confirm that each submission has not been previously published and that it is not under consideration by another journal.
  • Confirm that the work in submission is original and acknowledge and cite content from other sources.
  • Confirm that they have obtained permission to reproduce any content that is not theirs.
  • Notify the journal editor or publisher immediately if a significant error in their publication comes to light and should cooperate with the editor and publisher if it is necessary to retract the article or to publish an erratum, addendum, or corrigendum notice.
  • Maintain accurate records of data associated with their submission and should grant access to these data if reasonably requested. Where allowed and where appropriate, authors should deposit this data in a suitable repository or storage for sharing and further use.
  • Ensure that any studies involving human, or animal subjects conform to local, national, and international laws and requirements. Authors should obtain express permission from human subjects and respect their privacy.
  • Be aware that online originality checking will be conducted to protect the integrity of the journal.

Detailed information on Editorial Guidelines including Article Preparation & Formatting; Online registration and Article Submission Checklist is placed on the Journal Submissions webpage.



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University of South Africa,
College of Economic and Management Sciences,
Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA, 0003
Tel: +27 12 429 8255