ISSN 1017-0499 printed version
ISSN 2412-4265 online version



Basic Information

Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae (SHE) is the subject Journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa. It is an accredited Journal and is published three times a year. It has a proud publishing record of 35 years. It carries articles of academic excellence on issues pertaining to church history, with a special focus on Southern Africa. Some of the most exciting church history in the world is being made every day in Southern Africa, with the churches contributing actively to the political, economic and social development of the area.

The main purpose of the Society is to promote research on church historical subjects, and to publish this research in academic format.

The Church History Society of Southern Africa was founded at UNISA, Pretoria, on 1 October 1970, by a group of academics and church ministers. Some of the leading founding members included Professor JAAA Stoop, CF Borchardt, SJ Botha, P Bothma, E Brown, BJ Marais, AD Pont, BJ Odendaal, and AM Hofmeyr. Whilst at the time of its founding it catered for white male South Africans, the society has grown to embrace an open character where everyone interested in church history as an academic discipline is accepted without regard to their gender, color, class, denomination, or political ideology. Furthermore, since 1992, it has since broadened its membership to cover the whole of Southern Africa.

The Journal publishes three issues per year in May, October and December. Articles are published online as they are finalised if they are intended for the current issue. A supplementary issue may be added at the beginning of the following year.

The abbreviated key title is Studia Hist. Ecc..


Indexing Sources

  • Index to South African Periodicals
  • Religion Index One: Periodicals



Copyright of work published in the journal is held by the Church History Society of Southern Africa.

All work published is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution–ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY–SA 4.0)



The journal has no sponsor or affiliation.


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The Church History Society of Southern Africa
Research Institute for Theology and Religion, University of South Africa,
P O Box 392, Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA, 0003,
Tel: +27 12 429 4309