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Acta Commercii

On-line version ISSN 1684-1999
Print version ISSN 2413-1903


VAN SCHALKWYK, Riaan Dirkse  and  STEENKAMP, Rigard J.. A hypothetical improvement of the quadruple helix model of innovation. Acta Commer. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.1, pp.1-10. ISSN 1684-1999.

ORIENTATION: Innovation is forged by sub-revolutions as described by the quadruple helix (QH) model. RESEARCH PURPOSE: Innovation model formation is complex, and the useful QH model can develop and improve to be exemplary. MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY: The rationale of the study is to validate and improve the QH model with additional concepts, fresh perspectives of experts and the investigation of the primary sub-revolutions forging innovation. RESEARCH DESIGN, APPROACH AND METHOD: A conceptual and critical review approach implied narrative data of the model from secondary sources; a convenience sample of five innovation experts for critical reviews was thematically analysed. MAIN FINDINGS: Ultimately, the improved QH model must accommodate the legal, moral and ethical world to merge with the physical, biological and digital worlds; appropriate terminology for QH innovation leadership is needed, and triple technology theory (TTT) should be incorporated with the triple management theory (TMT) dimension of the model; the review conformed the sub-revolutions of innovation with respect to (1) innovation leadership, upscaling agility and innovation essentials, (2) the triple helix (TH) ecosystems sub-revolution and epochal society and (3) the new technological paradigm, technology intensity and TMT. PRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: The already useful QH model is confirmed and may develop to become exemplary with respect to the hypothetical improvements suggested. CONTRIBUTION/VALUE-ADD: A fresh and improved QH model is suggested in the context of complex innovation model formation and the paucity of literature.

Keywords : innovation concepts; quadruple helix (QH) model; triple helix (TH); entrepreneurial university; epochal society; agility; triple technology theory (TTT); triple management theory (TMT); tenacious thought leadership.

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