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Journal of Contemporary Management

On-line version ISSN 1815-7440


BABIRYE, Hamidah; TAIT, Madele  and  OOSTHUIZEN, Nadine. Creating a suitable contract compliance environment in state departments in Uganda: A developing economy perspective. JCMAN [online]. 2022, vol.19, n.1, pp.1-31. ISSN 1815-7440.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The purpose of the study was to determine the enabling factors necessary for contract compliance and how they can be effectively used to assist Procuring and Disposing Entities (PDEs) in the Ugandan context DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study adopted an interpretivist approach utilising the qualitative methodology that collected data from twenty one telephonic interviews and two focus group discussions via the Zoom online platform. Participants were purposefully selected based on their knowledge, experience and responsibilities. Thematic and content analysis were used to analyse data. This was done in sequential phases, namely: data familiarisation, generating codes, identifying themes, constructing thematic networks and drawing conclusions from the data FINDINGS: Findings indicate that the critical factors for creating an enabling environment include: communication, openness, compliance checks, ethical orientation and stakeholder involvement RECOMMENDATIONS/VALUE: Based on these findings, interventions are proposed that relate to how poor levels of contract compliance in state departments can be improved within a developing economy context MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: In addressing the poor contract compliance levels in state departments, the study encourages that PDU managers should establish information outreach centres and online platforms, cultivate a trusting information sharing environment, provide an online checklist and establish a verification system with secure log-ins and passcodes for authorised access to confidential documents JEL CLASSIFICATION: H57

Keywords : Communication; compliance checks; contract compliance; ethical orientation; openness; stakeholder involvement; procuring and disposing entities; state departments; Uganda.

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