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Health SA Gesondheid (Online)

On-line version ISSN 2071-9736
Print version ISSN 1025-9848


ORCHARD, Ané; VALLY, Muhammed; KHAN, Razeeya  and  IRHUMA, Mohamed. A guide for the management of post vaccination allergy and anaphylaxis in a pharmacy clinic. Health SA Gesondheid (Online) [online]. 2022, vol.27, pp.1-9. ISSN 2071-9736.

BACKGROUND: Vaccination falls within the scope of practice of a pharmacist and the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has seen an increase in pharmacies providing vaccination services. These vaccines are not without risk of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. The available guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis include the administration of intravenous (IV) fluids. However, IV administration does not fall within the scope of practice of a pharmacist. A gap was identified in the availability of guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis without the use of IV fluid administration AIM: This review aimed to address this gap by describing the mechanisms of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis and developing an algorithm to assist pharmacy personnel to manage these within the scope of practice METHODS: The authors used the recommendations for developing guidelines RESULTS: The availability of anaphylaxis guidelines and clinical studies catering for anaphylaxis and allergy management by pharmacists was deficient, thus the review modified the available management guidelines to align the management of allergy and anaphylaxis within the scope of a pharmacist. The items required for the management were also identified and listed as items that form part of the emergency tray in the pharmacy CONCLUSION: The review designed algorithms based on the available literature to assist pharmacy personnel to manage allergy and anaphylaxis within the relevant scope of practice. The review also lists the equipment needed for an emergency tray CONTRIBUTION: This review serves to offer guidance for the management of allergy and anaphylaxis in a pharmacy setting

Keywords : emergency tray; injection; algorithm; allergy; anaphylaxis; adrenaline.

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