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South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

On-line version ISSN 2224-7890
Print version ISSN 1012-277X


DEWA, M.  and  MAKUA, E.. Deploying built-in quality to reduce scrap in an automotive component manufacturer. S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng. [online]. 2024, vol.35, n.1, pp.137-151. ISSN 2224-7890.

Automotive component manufacturers face global competitive challenges, and the paradigm has shifted from product price as the determining factor of competitiveness to the quality of the product. An automotive component manufacturer was struggling to manage the outflow of defects, and adding inspectors as quality gates to the rear-step bumper production line had severe cost implications. This study aimed to reduce the number of defects by deploying a strategic path of implementing built-in quality. Quality tools were used, and the study's results included significant manpower reduction, improved quality capability, and reduced scrap rates and reworks.

        · abstract in Afrikaans     · text in English     · English ( pdf )


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