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Town and Regional Planning

On-line version ISSN 2415-0495
Print version ISSN 1012-280X


VENTER, Tersia. Ntlafatso ea libaka ke nala e ncha tokisong ea lithotobolo tsa merafo. Town reg. plan. (Online) [online]. 2020, vol.76, pp.42-55. ISSN 2415-0495.

Ho eketseha ha litoropo ka potlako, nts'etsopele le ho ikopanya ha machaba a lefats'e li hlahisitse lefa la lithotobolo tse sa sebelisoeng tsa merafo litoropong tsa profinse ea Gauteng, Afrika Borwa, ka hona litoropo tsena li nkuoa ele bothata ba tikoloho, hona le hore li lekoloe ele monyetla oa ntsetsopele e tsitsitseng. Boithuto bona bo kenyelletsa tlhahlobo e hlophisehileng ea makhabane a ntshetsopele ea tikoloho e nang le lintlafatso le e se nang tsona, ho lekanya makhabane ana ho latela lipontsho tsa sepheo sa ntshetsopele, ele ho tseba karolo e kenyang letsoho ntlafatsong e tsitsitseng. Mokhoa oa boleng oa ho etsa lipatlisiso o sebelisitsoe ka lipuisano, boithuto ba libaka le tlhahlobo ea lingoliloeng. Ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo le thlophiso ea liphetho, boithuto bo tiisa hore melemo ea nako e telele ea ntshetsopele ea libaka tse ntlafalitsoeng e feta melemo ea nakoana ea chelete nts'etsopeleng ea libaka tse se nang lintlafatso. Litlhahiso, ho kenyelletsa tsebelisano 'moho le mekhoa ea ho etsa chelete, ho khetha le ho hlalosa maano a nts'etsopele a libaka tse ntlafalitsoeng, hammoho le ho kenya tsebetsong melao, ho ka thusa ho fihlella ntlafatso e bolokehileng ea metse libakeng tse neng li sebelisoa ele lithotobolo tsa merafo.

Keywords : Brownfield; climate change; globalisation; sustainable development; sustainable development goals; urbanisation; urban sprawl.

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