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Subject list of serials


     Current titles

      Journal of the South African Veterinary Association - 30  issues
      Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research - 25  issues
      South African Journal of Agricultural Extension - 33  issues
      South African Journal of Animal Science - 106  issues
      South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture - 21  issues
      South African Journal of Science - 107  issues
      Water SA - 74  issues

     Non-current titles

      African Natural History - 9  issues - June  2017: Ceased



     Current titles

      Acta Academica - 11  issues
      Acta Commercii - 12  issues
      African Evaluation Journal - 3  issues
      African Human Mobility Review - 25  issues
      African Human Rights Yearbook - 3  issues
      African Journal on Conflict Resolution - 4  issues
      Communitas - 4  issues
      Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning - 7  issues
      De Jure Law Journal - 26  issues
      Education as Change - 15  issues
      Educational Research for Social Change - 18  issues
      Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa - 3  issues
      Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal) - 27  issues
      Journal of Geography Education in Africa - 2  issues
      Journal of Literary Studies - 6  issues
      Journal of Student Affairs in Africa - 2  issues
      Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training - 1  issue
      Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies - 10  issues
      Law, Democracy and Development - 12  issues
      Obiter - 16  issues
      Psychology in Society - 31  issues
      Pythagoras - 3  issues
      Reading & Writing - 8  issues
      SA Journal of Human Resource Management - 2  issues
      Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies - 6  issues
      Scriptura - 13  issues
      Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk - 42  issues
      South African Journal of Childhood Education - 19  issues
      South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences - 47  issues
      South African Journal of Higher Education - 27  issues
      South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science - 10  issues
      Southern African Business Review - 2  issues
      Southern African Journal of Environmental Education - 2  issues
      Stellenbosch Theological Journal - 25  issues
      The African Journal of Information and Communication - 13  issues
      The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning - 13  issues
      Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe - 72  issues



     Current titles

      African Entomology - 3  issues
      African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine - 12  issues
      Clean Air Journal - 12  issues
      Curationis - 27  issues
      Health SA Gesondheid (Online) - 17  issues
      Journal of the South African Veterinary Association - 30  issues
      Koedoe - 22  issues
      Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research - 25  issues
      SA Orthopaedic Journal - 66  issues
      SAMJ: South African Medical Journal - 204  issues
      South African Dental Journal - 98  issues
      South African Journal of Agricultural Extension - 33  issues
      South African Journal of Animal Science - 106  issues
      South African Journal of Bioethics and Law - 7  issues
      South African Journal of Occupational Therapy - 50  issues
      South African Journal of Science - 107  issues
      Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine - 14  issues
      Water SA - 74  issues

     Non-current titles

      African Natural History - 9  issues - June  2017: Ceased



     Current titles

      Clean Air Journal - 12  issues
      Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering - 54  issues
      Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy - 197  issues
      R&D Journal - 25  issues
      SAIEE Africa Research Journal - 31  issues
      South African Journal of Industrial Engineering - 53  issues
      South African Journal of Science - 107  issues
      The African Journal of Information and Communication - 13  issues
      Water SA - 74  issues



     Current titles

      Acta Structilia - 13  issues
      Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation - 15  issues
      Journal of Energy in Southern Africa - 62  issues
      Journal of Geography Education in Africa - 2  issues
      Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy - 197  issues
      South African Computer Journal - 15  issues
      South African Journal of Chemistry - 18  issues
      South African Journal of Science - 107  issues
      Southern African Journal of Environmental Education - 2  issues
      Town and Regional Planning - 13  issues
      Water SA - 74  issues

     Non-current titles

      African Natural History - 9  issues - June  2017: Ceased



     Current titles

      African Journal of Health Professions Education - 18  issues
      African Journal of Laboratory Medicine - 15  issues
      African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine - 12  issues
      African Vision and Eye Health - 2  issues
      Curationis - 27  issues
      Health SA Gesondheid (Online) - 17  issues
      SA Journal of Radiology - 16  issues
      SA Orthopaedic Journal - 66  issues
      SAMJ: South African Medical Journal - 204  issues
      Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk - 42  issues
      South African Dental Journal - 98  issues
      South African Family Practice - 2  issues
      South African Journal of Bioethics and Law - 7  issues
      South African Journal of Child Health - 46  issues
      South African Journal of Communication Disorders - 13  issues
      South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - 5  issues
      South African Journal of Occupational Therapy - 50  issues
      South African Journal of Physiotherapy - 2  issues
      South African Journal of Psychiatry - 16  issues
      South African Journal of Sports Medicine - 21  issues
      South African Journal of Surgery - 64  issues
      Southern African Journal of Critical Care (Online) - 25  issues
      Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine - 14  issues



     Current titles

      Acta Academica - 11  issues
      Acta Theologica - 60  issues
      African Evaluation Journal - 3  issues
      African Human Rights Law Journal - 32  issues
      African Journal of Disability (Online) - 8  issues
      African Journal of Gender and Religion - 2  issues
      African Journal on Conflict Resolution - 4  issues
      De Jure Law Journal - 26  issues
      HTS Theological Studies - 59  issues
      Historia - 31  issues
      In die Skriflig - 45  issues
      Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology - 33  issues
      Journal for the Study of Religion - 22  issues
      Journal of Contemporary Management - 23  issues
      Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal) - 27  issues
      Journal of Geography Education in Africa - 2  issues
      Journal of Student Affairs in Africa - 2  issues
      Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management - 2  issues
      Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training - 1  issue
      Koers - 41  issues
      Kronos - 24  issues
      Law, Democracy and Development - 12  issues
      Missionalia - 28  issues
      Old Testament Essays - 49  issues
      Phronimon - 14  issues
      Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PELJ) - 52  issues
      Psychology in Society - 31  issues
      Pythagoras - 3  issues
      SA Crime Quarterly - 27  issues
      SA Journal of Human Resource Management - 2  issues
      SA Journal of Industrial Psychology - 24  issues
      Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies - 6  issues
      South African Journal of Business Management - 2  issues
      South African Journal of Education - 75  issues
      South African Journal of Higher Education - 27  issues
      South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science - 10  issues
      South African Journal of Science - 107  issues
      Southern African Business Review - 2  issues
      Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management - 3  issues
      Southern African Journal of Environmental Education - 2  issues
      Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae - 49  issues
      The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning - 13  issues
      Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe - 72  issues
      Verbum et Ecclesia - 33  issues
      Water SA - 74  issues
      Yesterday and Today - 28  issues

     Non-current titles

      Fundamina - 14  issues - Sep  2020: Indexing interrupted



     Current titles

      Education as Change - 15  issues
      Image & Text - 8  issues
      Lexikos - 11  issues
      Literator (Potchefstroom. Online) - 12  issues
      South African Journal of Information Management - 7  issues
      Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus (SPiL Plus) - 17  issues
      The African Journal of Information and Communication - 13  issues
      Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe - 72  issues
      Tydskrif vir Letterkunde - 36  issues




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SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online