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South African Journal of Surgery

versión On-line ISSN 2078-5151
versión impresa ISSN 0038-2361


NAIDU, LR; RUBIN, G; BEIM, C A  y  GOVENDER, P. An audit of clinically triaged women at low risk for breast cancer presenting to the Helen Joseph Mammography Unit. S. Afr. j. surg. [online]. 2022, vol.60, n.3, pp.182-188. ISSN 2078-5151.

BACKGROUND: The Helen Joseph Hospital (HJH) breast clinic utilises a clinical triage system to stratify patients based on their risk of breast cancer into high-, medium-, or low-risk profiles. This allows for timeous imaging and subsequent management of those patients at increased risk for breast cancer. The primary objective was to determine the cancer detection rate (CDR). The secondary objective was to correlate biopsy results with the Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) risk assessment METHODS: A retrospective audit of the patients at low risk for breast cancer who were referred to the breast imaging unit (BIU) in 2019 at HJH. Patients were clinically assessed as low risk based on a triage form and were identified using the imaging files stored in the BIU. Results were recorded on Microsoft Excel and calculated as per the American College of Radiology guidelines RESULTS: The total population sample consisted of 398 patients. Two patients were characterised as BI-RADS 4 and underwent breast biopsies. One patient was diagnosed with histologically proven breast cancer. The CDR was 2.51%. The most representative groups were the age group of 60-69 years, BI-RADS breast density B and BI-RADS risk assessment 2 CONCLUSION: Amongst the low-risk population, both the CDR and spectrum of disease was comparable to that of a screening population. This may be due to the use of a triage system prior to imaging, as well as an increase in clinical awareness of breast cancer within a tertiary institution

Palabras clave : clinically triaged women; breast cancer; low risk.

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