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South African Journal of Education

versión On-line ISSN 2076-3433
versión impresa ISSN 0256-0100


MAGANA-MEDINA, Deneb Eli; AQUINO-ZUNIGA, Silvia Patricia; VALDES-CUERVO, Angel Alberto  y  PARRA-PEREZ, Lizeth Guadalupe. Transformational leadership and the learner-centred teaching approach. S. Afr. j. educ. [online]. 2021, vol.41, suppl.2, pp.1-12. ISSN 2076-3433.

Adopting learner-centred teaching approaches is important to advance student performance in Mexican rural communities, which have historically been disadvantaged. Yet, little research exists on the factors that might promote the use of this teaching approach. In the study reported on here we examined the associations between principals' transformational leadership, school climate, teacher commitment to learners, and learner-centred teaching practices. In total, 174 teachers were selected from 26 tele-secondaries in the state of Tabasco, Mexico. A structural equation model was calculated. Results do not provide evidence to support a direct association between transformational leadership and the use of learner-centred teaching. However, an indirect relationship was found between the effects of school climate and teacher commitment. These findings indicate that enhancing school climate and teachers' commitment through a transformational leadership style are key to foster an environment for learner-centred teaching.

Palabras clave : leadership; rural education; school climate; school principal; teaching.

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