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Acta Theologica

versión On-line ISSN 2309-9089
versión impresa ISSN 1015-8758

Acta theol. vol.38  supl.26 Bloemfontein  2018 






L. Sutton

University of the Free State, South Africa. E-mail:



Devoting one's life to the study of the Old Testament is to walk on a never-ending path that becomes a lifelong journey. A path that is illuminated by an array of literature on Law (and its narrative), History, Prophets, Wisdom, and Psalms. A journey that will keep on going, a truly "never-ending story".

On this path, Fanie Snyman devoted his life to the literature of the Psalms and Prophets. He is specifically well known for his much-appreciated contributions on the prophetic book of Malachi. He not only published numerous articles on this topic, but also produced a commentary on the book, for which he was awarded the University of the Free State Prestige Scholar Book Prize. His devotion and contributions to the field of Old Testament research established him as a recognized researcher both locally and internationally. His articles and book publications are used across the world and serve as a valuable contribution to academics and students alike. His international relations witness to the phenomenal way in which Fanie Snyman represented himself in his field and his institution. As a result of these relations, this Festschrift contains many national and international contributions by colleagues who worked with Fanie on specific projects through the years. These contributions are written as a tribute to an academic who has expertise and integrity within his field and is known as a person with gravitas.

As a professor of Old Testament Studies, hundreds of students have passed through the able hands of Fanie, and many dissertations and doctoral theses have been completed under his supervision. It is, therefore, only natural that a contribution by one of his doctoral students is included in this Festschrift.

Fanie Snyman is known not only for his academic excellence, but also for his unique administrative capabilities. He achieved numerous accomplishments as Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the university of the Free state.

This Festschrift is dedicated to Fanie Snyman and contains contributions pertaining to the entire field of the old testament. It will also serve as a valuable contribution to the academic community. ι want to acknowledge and thank all the contributors for their articles in this Festschrift and for their work and expertise in the field of old testament studies. the articles were arranged according to the sequence of the books in the hebrew Bible.

Dr Lodewyk sutton

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