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Acta Theologica

versión On-line ISSN 2309-9089
versión impresa ISSN 1015-8758


KRETZSCHMAR, L.. "What are we eating?" A theological-ethical analysis of the effects of food additives on human beings, especially in South Africa. Acta theol. [online]. 2021, vol.41, n.2, pp.43-69. ISSN 2309-9089.

This article discusses Christian theological-ethical questions related to the processing offood and especially to the widespread use offood additives. First, the aims, parameters and methodology of the article are discussed. Secondly, the theme of food in the Bible is briefly explored, along with its theological implications. Thirdly, the wider cultural context of food production and processing is noted, along with the commercialisation of food. Next, the nature of food additives of various kinds, the reasons for their use and their effects on human beings are analysed to determine the extent to which their use is injurious or harmless. Throughout, and especially in the final section, a theological-ethical analysis of the use of food additives, especially in a South African context, is provided.

Palabras clave : Theological ethics; Theology of food; Food additives; Food safety; Teologiese etiek; Teologie van voedsel; Voedselbymiddels; Voedselveiligheid.

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