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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PELJ)

versión On-line ISSN 1727-3781


GOUWS, HS. The Law Faculty of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus celebrates its half centenary. PER [online]. 2015, vol.18, n.5, pp.1256-1300. ISSN 1727-3781.

The Law Faculty of the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, is celebrating its half centenary in 2015, having been founded in 1965. Law subjects were first introduced in 1932 after the Senate had decided on 11 November 1931 to accept the recommendations of a commission which had to examine the possibilities of adding law subjects for the BA degree. The newly found Law Faculty held its first meeting on 4 August 1965.

Palabras clave : North-West University; faculty of law; history.

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