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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PELJ)

versión On-line ISSN 1727-3781


VAN EETVELDT, H. Standing on Unsteady Ground: AREVA NP Incorporatedin France v Eskom SOC LTD. PER [online]. 2019, vol.22, n.1, pp.1-27. ISSN 1727-3781.

Areva NP Incorporated in France v Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 2017 6 BCLR 675 (CC) was a dispute over a multi-billion-rand tender. Although the majority of the Constitutional Court recognised the public importance of the case, it adjudicated the dispute entirely on a preliminary point. It found that the applicant did not have legal standing to seek the judicial review of the award of the tender. This case note has three aims. First, I will argue that the Constitutional Court's majority judgment in Areva was generally unpersuasive. Second, I will attempt to show that Areva exposes an unresolved legal question: when should a court consider the merits of a case made by a litigant with questionable standing? Third, I will propose a method for resolving this question by way of substantive judicial reasoning in any given case.

Palabras clave : Locus standi; legal standing; public-procurement; tender-dispute; substantive reasoning; transformative adjudication.

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