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Journal of Contemporary Management

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7440


CHENEY, V  y  NIENABER, H. Exploring HR perspectives on succession planning as retention aid for engineering professionals: the case of Sadri in 2007/08. JCMAN [online]. 2009, vol.6, n.1, pp.441-462. ISSN 1815-7440.

Succession planning is a key talent management initiative. It plays an important role in ensuring that critical skills are available at all levels throughout the organisation, so that the organisation can achieve a competitive advantage. Succession planning ensures the bench strength of the organisation and integration between the employees' skills and the organisation's strategy, thus making provision for its performance in the long run. This study reports on HR's perspectives on succession planning as a retention aid for engineering professionals in the South African defence-related industries in 2007/08, which were found to be in a declining life cycle. The study was undertaken to examine what practical methods organisations were employing to retain engineering staff in light of the current skills shortage, particularly in the fields of science, engineering and technology in South Africa.

Palabras clave : Succession planning; engineering professionals; South African defence-related industries; competitive advantage; retention; bench strength; talent pipeline.

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