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Journal of Contemporary Management

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7440


MPINGANJIRA, M. The influence of online store interactivity on customers' shopping experience: an empirical investigation. JCMAN [online]. 2014, vol.11, n.1, pp.593-612. ISSN 1815-7440.

This paper examines the concept of interactivity in the context of online stores. The aim is to investigate its influence on customers' shopping experience and intentions to revisit online stores. The study followed a quantitative research approach. Data was collected from 201 online shoppers from Gauteng, South Africa using a structured questionnaire. Version 21 of the SPSS/AMOS software was used to analyse the data. The findings show that factors relating to web system interactivity, namely navigation ease and customisation are important predictors of enjoyable online shopping experience. Factors relating to personal interactivity, namely two-way communication and customer communications were not found to have significant influence on shopping enjoyment. Shopping enjoyment was found to have significant influence on online customers' intentions to revisit online stores. The findings contribute to a better appreciation of the need for ensuring that internet technology is applied in ways that take into consideration human needs. Specifically, the findings point to the need for online managers to pay attention to interactivity levels of their websites in order to ensure that customers have an enjoyable shopping experience at their online stores.

Palabras clave : online shopping enjoyment; online store interactivity; personal interactivity; web system interactivity.

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