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Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

versión On-line ISSN 2411-9717
versión impresa ISSN 2225-6253


VILJOEN, B.C.. Sprayed concrete for underground excavations - A status report. J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. [online]. 2015, vol.115, n.11, pp.1131-1136. ISSN 2411-9717.

Commencement of the next phase of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project is a year or so away from becoming reality. Some 50 km of tunnels in the form of access adits, shafts, diversion tunnels, and main waterways will be constructed. Sprayed concrete will form an integral part of the temporary and permanent rock support systems that will be installed. Furthermore, the use of sprayed concrete as a final tunnel lining solution was proposed as a viable alternative to concrete linings in the feasibility studies that preceded the forthcoming implementation phase. The aim of this paper is to make the reader aware of all the sprayed concrete related issues that engineers tend to grapple with during the design and construction of tunnel projects and other underground works. Primarily, these issues would include selection of applicable design parameters, technical specifications, construction application methods, quality control and, most importantly in the context of final or permanent linings, the durability of sprayed concrete. The International Tunnelling Association (ITA) Working Group (WG) 12 has been tasked specifically to publish a set of recommendations on the Quality and Control of the Application of Sprayed Concrete and the Testing of Sprayed Concrete for Durability. These tasks were also further explored at the recent World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2015) that was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia at the end of May 2015.

Palabras clave : sprayed concrete; shotcrete; quality control; durability.

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