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Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

versión On-line ISSN 2411-9717
versión impresa ISSN 2225-6253


RASMENI, S.; CHETTY, D.; SEBOLA, P.  y  SERIPE, K.. Tiger's eye in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa - grading, distribution, small-scale mining, and beneficiation potential. J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. [online]. 2016, vol.116, n.6, pp.587-592. ISSN 2411-9717.

South Africa's Northern Cape Province hosts semi-precious and gemstone occurrences that are sporadically mined on a small scale by local communities. Tiger's eye, a gemstone known for its chatoyancy properties, is found in important deposits located near the town of Prieska, where is it intermittently mined. Challenges faced by small-scale and informal mining include mining without proper permits, risky mining practice in dangerous terrain, and illegal export of raw material without concerted effort at domestic beneficiation. As part of a study aimed at job creation and social upliftment in the region, tiger's eye deposits in the Prieska area were assessed to assist small-scale miners to understand tiger's eye grades and their distribution. This will allow not only more efficient and safer mining of these deposits, but also beneficiation of the raw product into tumbled stones, cabochons, jewellery, and other small artefacts for sale. A hub established in Prieska by Mintek trains locals in the beneficiation of tiger's eye. Supply to the hub must make use of a consistent grading system, which is discussed in this paper. Together with proper mine licensing, such an approach will develop mining and beneficiation skills, and create and sustain employment for the local community.

Palabras clave : Tiger's eye; grading; beneficiation; small-scale mining.

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