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In die Skriflig

versión On-line ISSN 2305-0853
versión impresa ISSN 1018-6441


MORETSI, Lekgetho H.. The translation technique and the translation of verbal forms in Psalm 84 of the Masoretic Text as employed by the Peshitta. In Skriflig (Online) [online]. 2017, vol.51, n.1, pp.1-7. ISSN 2305-0853.

This article was inspired by the study of translation techniques and verbal systems in Book 3 of The Book of Psalms in the Peshitta. In addition, the article focuses on Psalm 84 due to the broad scope of such a study. Psalm 84 opens the second group of Korah Psalms (Ps 84-85, 87-88) and shows a number of similarities to the first group of Korah Psalms (Ps 42-49). The differences between Psalm 84 and Psalms 42-43 are as striking as their similarities because of the fact that they are identified as Korah Psalms (cf. Goldingay 2007:587; Wallace 2009:140). This article argues that the translation technique, employed by the Peshitta, resulted in important differences at some points. As expected, the Peshitta uses the conjunctive verb at times in places where it is absent from the Masoretic Text. In addition, the Peshitta does not have the waw consecutive construction found in the Masoretic Text and uses the conjunctive waw in most instances. This article further argues that different verbal forms are used in a sensible way in both the Masoretic Text and the Peshitta, and that the content of verses also differs. In some places, certain parts of the verses, as they appear in the Masoretic Text, are omitted by the Peshitta. Some of these omissions may be ascribed to different Hebrew Vorlagen while others may be ascribed to the translation technique followed.

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