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In die Skriflig

versión On-line ISSN 2305-0853
versión impresa ISSN 1018-6441


VAN OUDTSHOORN, Andre. The insignificant impact of the historical Jesus. In Skriflig (Online) [online]. 2021, vol.55, n.1, pp.1-10. ISSN 2305-0853.

There is a natural tendency in the church to idealise the historical Jesus. This may lead to believers turning Jesus into an ideal moral or religious exemplar or lead to a prosperity gospel by predominantly focusing on the miraculous power and accomplishments of the earthly Jesus. This depiction of Jesus is in sharp contrast to the rejected and crucified Lord. This article follows a systematic theological methodology by challenging the theological framework which leads to the idealised perception of Jesus as a super-hero. The article does so, by reconsidering the interpretive framework employed to understand the inter-relationship between the person and actions of the historical Jesus, and the kingdom of God breaking through. I argue that the eschatological hermeneutical approach to salvation history best accommodate the tension between 'consistent' and 'realised eschatology', and help the church overcome the temptation to turn Jesus into a universal spiritual symbol or moral exemplar. The eschatological hermeneutical approadch to salvation history often focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus, but I contend, should be expanded to include the life and ministry of Jesus. In this article it is argued that Jesus came to share in our human weakness and fallibility. Jesus fully experienced the 'not yet' of the Kingdom, by identifying and sharing in our lack of success. The unique character of Jesus as 'God who became human', sets him radically apart from all other humans and nullifies any attempt to idealise him. The resurrected and glorified Jesus whom the church worships, is and remains the crucified and rejected Messiah. CONTRIBUTION: The implications of the research will radicalise the believers' understanding of the significance of the incarnation. It challenges some of the assumptions regarding Jesus' power to help believers be successful in life. The article also holds pastoral implications for all those who experience the pain of failure, rejection and insignificance.

Palabras clave : Christology; kingdom; humanity of Jesus; anthropology; history.

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