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versión On-line ISSN 2305-445X
versión impresa ISSN 0254-1807


SENOKOANE, Tumi. A white mist in the black Unisa. Scriptura [online]. 2015, vol.114, pp.1-11. ISSN 2305-445X.

The academic institutions in South Africa are systematically and structurally white. In short, shades of white ethics blight academic institutions such as Unisa. This article, therefore, aims to expose the argument that Unisa is still excluding black academics on the basis of race. Black academics are directly and indirectly subjected to institutional racism, which dramatically undermines their chances of academic success. Institutional racism, otherwise known as white ethics, positions itself as a standard or norm in the institution and at the same time places itself as the only good, and other experiences and knowledge as bad and does not meet the standard. The article will argue in contrast that blackness and black experience and knowledge should be placed as the good and whiteness as bad, thereby calling for black ethics.

Palabras clave : Ethics; Exclusion; Institutional Racism; Worldview; Revolution.

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