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HTS Theological Studies
versión On-line ISSN 2072-8050
versión impresa ISSN 0259-9422


Tabla de contenido
Herv. teol. stud. vol.75 no.3 Pretoria  2019

 Original Research
 ·  Transformative joy in Qohelet: A thread that faintly glistens
Steenkamp-Nel, Annalie E.

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 ·  Q's message to the peasantry and poor: Considering three texts in the Sayings Gospel
Howes, Llewellyn

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 ·  Going home? Exiles, inciles and refugees in the Book of Jeremiah
Claassens, Juliana L.

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 ·  Self-interest, wealth and the Book of Proverbs in the South African context: Towards a Smithian alternative
Rathbone, Mark

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 ·  Creation order in sapiential theology: An ecological-evolutionary perspective on cosmological responsibility
Geyser-Fouche, Ananda; Serfontein, Bernice

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 ·  Richard Dawkins, Philip Kennedy and the Augustinian paradigm of Christianity
Spangenberg, Izak J.J.

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 ·  Syncrisis as literary motif in the story about the grown-up child Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:41-52 and the Thomas tradition)
van Aarde, Andries G.

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 ·  A heretical tale about heresy or when words do matter
Vanhoutte, Kristof

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 ·  Mapping recent developments in Old Testament theology
Snyman, Fanie

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 ·  The punished and the lamenting body
van der Zwan, Pieter

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 ·  Thou shalt not smoke: Content and context in the Lord's Resistance Army's concept of the Ten Commandments
Holter, Knut

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 ·  Cain and migration: Opportunity amidst punishment?
Snyman, Gerrie

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 ·  The 'foreigner in our midst' and the Hebrew Bible
de Villiers, Gerda

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 ·  New perspectives on Old Testament oneirocritic texts via the philosophy of dreaming
Gericke, Jaco

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 ·  Men serving long-term sentences in Zonderwater Correctional Centre, South Africa: Religious identity and behavioural change
Landman, Christina; Ncongwane, Harold J.; Pieterse, Tanya

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 ·  Reconsidering Deuteronomy 26:5-11 as a 'small historical creed': Overtures towards a 'migrant reading' within the Persian period
Bosman, Hendrik L.

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 ·  Contextuality and the Septuagint
Cook, Johann

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 ·  'The barbarians themselves are offended by our vices': Slavery, sexual vice and shame in Salvian of Marseilles' De gubernatione Dei
de Wet, Chris L.

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 ·  Jehu's violent coup and the justification of violence
Mokoena, Lerato L.D.; Meyer, Esias E.

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 ·  Mental mapping in the admiration song in Song of Songs 7:2-7
Fischer, Stefan

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 ·  The cup as metaphor and symbol: A cognitive linguistics perspective
Bosman, Nerina

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 ·  ἐλθέτωἡβασιλείασου: Interpreting the Lord's Prayer (Mt 6:10a) in the light of Ewe-Ghanaian eschatological vision
van Eck, Ernest; Sakitey, Daniel

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 ·  God's victory and salvation. A soteriological approach to the subject in apocalyptic literature
Bergel, Łukasz

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 ·  Scheffler's autopsy of poverty in the biblical text: Critiquing land expropriation as an elitist project
Rugwiji, Temba T.

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 ·  Some reflections on the genealogy of the 'Pretoria model': Towards a definition of theological education at a public university
Buitendag, Johan

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 ·  Binding and loosing on earth: Evaluating the strategy for church disciplinary procedures proposed in Matthew 18:15-18 through the lenses of thinking and feeling
Francis, Leslie J.; Jones, Susan H.; Hebden, Keith

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 ·  Matthean Jesus and forgiveness in light of national healing, peace and reconciliation in Zimbabwe, 2008-2017
Chamburuka, Sheila W.; van Eck, Ernest

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 ·  Building a nation: The Jeroboams and the creation of two Israels
Davies, Philip

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 ·  Reverend Mother and Tamar (Gn 38) trapped between 'artificial' barrenness and 'normative' motherhood: Any fitting biblical hermeneutic?
Masenya, Madipoane J.

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 ·  'All men have been considered equal by me': The attitude of Amatus Lusitanus towards treating gentiles according to his Physician's Oath
Shemesh, Abraham O.

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 ·  Africanism, Apocalypticism, Jihad and Jesuitism: Prelude to Ethiopianism
Rukuni, Rugare; Oliver, Erna

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 ·  Genesis 27:27-29 in the face of the popular Christian concept of blessing in Nigeria
Obiorah, Mary J.; Uroko, Favour C.

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 ·  A critical investigation into Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli's views on the phenomenon of labour
Mashiach, Amir

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 ·  Salvation in Acts 16:16-40: A socio-historical exploration of the Graeco-Roman understanding
Igba, Jacob T.; Hobyane, Risimati S.; Stoker, Henk G.

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 ·  Provisions against wealth and poverty in Plato's Cretan city and in ancient Israel: A comparison of the Book of Deuteronomy with Plato's Nomoi
Otto, Eckart

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 ·  Biblical cartography and the (mis)representation of Paul's missionary travels
Guijarro, Santiago

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 ·  Deuteronomy's concept of life in Hebrews
Coetsee, Albert J.

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 ·  Faith, society and the post-secular: Private and public religion in law and theology
Lombaard, Christoffel; Benson, Iain T.; Otto, Eckart

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 ·  The 'wonderful' donkey – Of real and fabled donkeys
Viviers, Hendrik

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 ·  Weighing Schmitt's political theology anew: Implicit religion in politics
Lombaard, Christo

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 ·  The Matthean characterisation of Jesus by God the Father
Viljoen, Francois P.

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 ·  Looking through the eyes of Job: A transpersonal-psychological perspective
van der Zwan, Pieter

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 ·  Scanning the body image of Job psychoanalytically
van der Zwan, Pieter

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 ·  Several comments on a Genizah fragment of Bavli, Eruvin 57B-59A
Zur, Uri

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 ·  The wife as stranger in the family
Nortjé-Meyer, Susara J.

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 ·  The dangerous role of politics in modern millennial movements
de Villiers, Pieter G.R.

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 ·  A realistic reading of the parable of the Lost Coin in Q: Gaining or losing even more?
van Eck, Ernest

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 ·  'But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream' (Am 5:24). Social justice versus cult criticism in Amos (5:21–24) and Isaiah (1:10–20): A trauma perspective
Groenewald, Alphonso

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 ·  Friendship in a time of protest? Friedrich Schleiermacher and Russel Botman on the fabric of (civic) friendship
Marais, Nadia

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 ·  Exegesis is a game
le Roux, Jurie

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 ·  3 Maccabees as a monomyth
Allen, Nicholas P.L.

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 ·  Invited into the Markan paradox: The church as authentic followers of Jesus in a superhero culture
Joubert, Stephan

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 ·  'Einer Frau gestatte ich nicht, dass sie lehre' (1 Timotheus 2:12): Exegese – Hermeneutik – Kirche
Stenschke, Christoph W.

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 ·  James Cone vis-à-vis African Religiosity: A decolonial perspective
Urbaniak, Jakub

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 ·  Kairos consciousness and the Zimbabwean ecclesiology's response to crisis
Paradza, Kudakwashe

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 ·  Ahmad Ghazali's Satan
Elmi, Ghorban

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 ·  What kind of power can build society? A remarkable power play in Susanna
Cornelius, Elma

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 ·  The different manifestations of suffering and the Lukan Jesus
le Roux, Jurie

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 ·  Editorial - Eben Scheffler Festschrift
van Aarde, Andries G.; le Roux, Jurie H.; Lombaard, Christo J.S.

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 ·  In memoriam: Vuyani Shadrack Vellem (25 December 1968 - 4 December 2019)
van Aarde, Andries G.; de Beer, Stephan J.

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 Original Research
 ·  Moopa or barren: A rereading of the 1840 English-Setswana gospel of Luke 1:36-38 from a Setswana traditional practice
Mothoagae, Itumeleng D.

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 ·  Spirituality trapped in androcentric celebrity cults in South Africa post-1994
Kobo, Fundiswa A.

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