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Obiter vol.45 no.1 Port Elizabeth  2024

 ·  An appraisal of the role of rituals and their waiver in the conclusion of a customary marriage
Manthwa, Aubrey; Lekolwana, Perfect

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 ·  Decolonising labour laws and repossessing subaltern epistemologies: a review of South African and Namibian mineworkers' fight for labour rights
Warikandwa, Tapiwa Victor

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 ·  A "sign" of the times: a brief consideration of the validity of e-signatures in agreements and affidavits in South African law
Singh, Ciresh

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 ·  An evaluation of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the African region
Baboolal-Frank, Rashri; Naudé, Louis

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 ·  Facilitating automatic exchange of information on blockchain: a South African perspective
Kabwe, Ruddy; Ncube, Princess Thembelihle

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 ·  The legal dilemma of managing and regulating private consumption of cannabis in relation to the workplace
Sibiya, S'celo Walter

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 ·  The impact of the South African electoral system on legislative oversight
Maganoe, Shadi

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 ·  Promoting administrative justice for presidential pardons in South Africa
Phorego, Molefhi S

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 ·  Towards drafting artificial intelligence (AI) legislation in South Africa
Ka Mtuze, Sizwe Snail; Morige, Masego

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 ·  A human rights-based approach to sustainable development in Africa post-COVID-19
Mubangizi, J C

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 ·  Protection of informational privacy in the workplace given the advancement in technology
Nxokweni, Unathi

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 ·  International commercial mediation: International recognition and enforcement of mediation agreements
Curlewis, LG; Raubenheimer, E

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 ·  The revolution of our understanding of domestic work: the constitutional case of - Mahlangu v Minister of Labour [2020] ZACC 24
Zulu, Thuli

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 ·  Assessing the investigative powers of the competition commission in merger regulation and challenges posed by the digital era - S.O.S Support Public Broadcasting Coalition v South African Broadcasting Corporation (SOC) Limited [2018] ZACC 37
Tavuyanago, Simbarashe; Mpofu, Kudzai

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 ·  Improving an existing or erecting a new or additional structure by esta occupiers: an analysis of - Daniels v Scribante 2017 (4) SA 341 (CC), Erasmus v Mtenje [2018] ZALCC 12, and De Jager v Mazibuko [2020] ZALCC 7*
Ngwenyama, Lerato Rudolph

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 ·  Locus standi in iudicio - the right of a parent to claim maintenance on behalf of an adult dependent child - Z v Z 2022 (5) SA 451 (SCA)
Denson, R; van der Walt, G

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