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Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
versión On-line ISSN 2411-9717
versión impresa ISSN 2225-6253


Tabla de contenido
J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. vol.124 no.4 Johannesburg abr. 2024

 Journal Comment
 ·  From the Desktop to the Coal Face
van der Merwe, J.N.

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 ·  Quest for zero harm in South African deep gold mines
Joughin, W.C.

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 Professional Technical and Scientific Papers
 ·  Technology and growth in the South African mining industry: An assessment of critical success factors and challenges
Lumadi, VW.; Nyasha, S.

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 ·  Evaluation of different surface characteristics and mineral grain size in the estimation of rock strength using the Schmidt hammer
Karaman, K.

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 ·  Communication constraints in the safety system on South African mines and implications for the exercise of the Right to Refuse Dangerous Work
Coulson, N.; Stewart, P.F.

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 ·  Triboelectric characteristics and separation of magnesite and quartz
Zhang, Z.; Xu, Y.; Wang, H.; Shi, J.; Niu, J.; Zhang, Z.

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 ·  Can preconcentration of cassiterite from its pegmatite ore reduce processing costs and improve operational sustainability?
Simonsen, H.; Potgieter, J.H.; Nyembwe, K.J.; Chuma, A.

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 ·  Open-pit post-blast dust cloud lightning
Steenkamp, N.C.

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 ·  Leaching of gold ore using creatine monohydrate
Ganji, S.M.S.; Barani, K.

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 ·  Investigation of glycine leaching for gold extraction from Witwatersrand gold mine tailings with permanganate pre-treatment
Tapfuma, A.; Akdogan, G.; Tadie, M.

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