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Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning
versión On-line ISSN 2310-7103


Tabla de contenido
CRISTAL vol.11 no.2 Cape Town  2023

 ·  Introduction to CriSTaL Special Issue: Thinking with ocean/s for reconceptualising scholarship in higher education
Romano, Nike; Bozalek, Vivienne; Shefer, Tamara

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 ·  An octo-aesthetic figuration for learning in times of crisis
Carstens, Delphi

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 ·  Meandering as learning: Co-creating care with Camissa Oceans in higher education
Martin, Aaniyah; Peers, Joanne; Giorza, Theresa

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 ·  Thinking with/in surfing: Podcasting as public pedagogy and scholarship in/for the global South
Thompson, Glen; Graaff, Karen

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 ·  Lalela uLwandle (Listen to the Sea): Interdisciplinary approaches and embodied engagements in thinking with ocean/s
Wiese, Abigail

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 ·  Diffractive swimming: Learning though a Robben Island crossing
Stevens, Marion

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