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South African Dental Journal

versión On-line ISSN 0375-1562
versión impresa ISSN 0011-8516

S. Afr. dent. j. vol.73 no.2 Johannesburg mar. 2018




SADA Communique



J Shackleton; LM Sykes



Dear Reader;

After long debates and deliberations, we felt it appropriate via this channel of communication to acknowledge and celebrate our editor's birthday!

Editors do have a reputation for wanting to keep their work behind the scenes, and we are deeply aware that Prof Bill will feel to be recognized on this platform would be inappropriate. However the team working with him on the Journal felt we have to acknowledge the great work he has been doing, and hopefully will continue to do on behalf of The South African Dental Association through their official mouthpiece, the South African Dental Journal. Therefore, we for once, rightfully so or not, took a leap of faith, and overrode the editors possible decision!

So to soften the exposure, as I am sure Bill will feel somewhat in a quandary, we will keep this contribution short and sweet!

We acknowledge his work ethic, his total commitment and joy he brings, whilst we all feverishly try to present the best issue of the journal ever!

The changing goalpost in terms of needs and requirements for the journal, the growth we have experienced, the great feedback, and the sometimes not so great feedback is highly appreciated. All errors and erratums in the next issue is clean forgotten once we experience the sheer joy once we finish another issue.

The image on this page, speaks a thousand words! What a commitment. On many occasions on a weekend when last minute changes had to be implemented, Bill would feverishly search for a spot where Wi-Fi is available. Like this time, right at the main entrance at one of the camps in the Kruger national Park - a place he dearly loves!



So, an 80th birthday is a milestone, and should be celebrated in style! Thanks to colleagues and friends, an 80th party, with 80 guests were hosted at SADA headquarters, where 80 teddy bears was handed over to him! The Publishing team.



Bill Evans was born in Salisbury (now Harare) on 29 March 1938. As a youngster he was affectionately referred to as Little Buffalo by his mother's staff... (Buffalo Bill?). He attended Blakiston Primary School and Prince Edward School, being awarded scholarships and emerging as the Head Boy and Dux of both institutions. In high school he obtained full colours for athletics (he still has his white blazer and can almost fit into it), played rugby for the first team and featured in a number of Gilbert and Sullivan productions. Bill was active in the School's Nature Society spending many happy hours with his friends collecting specimens for the clubhouse.

After completing his A levels, Bill attended the Dental School at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg from 1957 - 1961. Apart from achieving his BDS degree, he won numerous academic prizes and was awarded the Abe Bailey Travel Scholarship, which allowed him to travel overseas with students from other South African Universities. Not only was Bill a high performer academically, he was also chair of Dental Students' Council and the House Committee of the Men's Halls of Residence, was Vice President of the SRC, active in NUSAS and SRC Representative of the Rag Committee.

After completing his BDS degree. Bill entered private practice in Salisbury (Harare) and was an active member of his branch committee and the Executive Council of the Rhode-sian Dental Association (RDA). In 1969 he returned to Wits and obtained his postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics.

During this time Bill won the Colgate Palmolive Research prize at the IADR and was President of the Odontological Society of South Africa. He then returned to Salisbury to practice Orthodontics and returned to his activities for the RDA, also becoming a member of the Public Health Advisory Board and of the Student Governing Body of his high school.

In 1980, Bill moved back to his alma mater, Wits, where he successively became a senior lecturer in Orthodontics, Professor and Head of the Department, Head of the School of Oral Health Sciences, and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences. He took on all the committees and responsibilities that these offices required with dedication and total commitment to the students, staff and institution. In 2007 the Faculty of Health Sciences presented Bill with the prestigious Service Excellence Award. Bill is still a part-time member of the Department where he imparts his knowledge and love of Orthodontics to under- and postgraduate students. His service to the South African Society of Orthodontics has led to the award of an Honorary Life Membership.

As a teacher, Bill has always embraced all aspects of student life. He is the most enthusiastic lecturer and loves a good laugh, especially when presented with the ridiculous or the absurd. He will grind his teeth until an orthodontic case works out. There was never a Rag float built at Wits Dental School without his whole hearted (and all night) involvement. He has welcomed student's babies to his lectures and quite possibly has yet to miss a Graduation Ball, where he dances enthusiastically every year. When Wits Dental moved from Braamfontein to the CMJAH there were many snags. The Head of School became Mr Fix-It - replacing missing screws, fixing doors, gluing down the lino - bringing tools from home whenever he noticed a fault - working in the evenings and on weekends.

Bill is a sought after MC for many academic functions where he entertains with his stories and his wonderful laugh. Besides University activities, Bill serves on the Board of the College of Dentistry in the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa, and is a referee and member of the Editorial Boards of several journals. He is an active member of the Dental Association of South Africa, (SADA), where he participates at branch and national levels, has helped to organises conferences and is the Managing Editor of this Journal.

Bill has been married to Joan, a dedicated teacher, for more than 50 years. They have a daughter, Rhian, who is an occupational therapist and works at the Wits Rural Facility; and a son, Rhys, who is a medical doctor practising in the UK. Bill and Joan have 5 granddaughters. He has a wide range of interests and for his 70th birthday, he learned to ski in Poland. Just imagine how he will celebrate his 80th! Prof Joy Shackleton



I asked 80 people, who all know Prof WG Evans, from various different times and places, to describe in ONE SENTENCE - "Bill Evans". Not only did none refuse, but every single person broke out into a smile or a laugh before responding. So, to celebrate 80 remarkable years in the life of an incomparably exceptional man, here are 80 magnificent nostalgic memories...All quoted verbatim.

The LEGEND of dentistry

Larger than Life

The most approachable professor ever, and will probably always be one of the students

An icon of dentistry especially to Witsies. You inspire me with your wisdom, but even more with your humility

Brilliant lecturer as well as a lovely amicable guy

Consistency and Integrity

That laugh!

Simple and inspiring

Smart man. Nice man. Entertaining

A world class gentleman, with an incredible sense of humour that loves red wine.

Positive, pleasant, always happy and laughing He is a presence

The kind of man you want as a father

He is where ever Dentistry is

It has been my very great privilege and pleasure to have worked with Prof W G Evans over a period spanning some forty years, and I feel very qualified to attest to the pleasure this has given me!

His willingness to help is his most outstanding characteristic - also the word "passion" for Dentistry comes to mind

Sharp slap of shoe leather down the corridor; clashing keys; silver headed joviality at the door; sparkling eyes, bushy brows; a laugh, a touch, a greeting; ebullience; hurry, hurry, hurry!

Wow - I could write a book - a true gentleman

The rag floats would have sunk without him

Highly intelligent and absolutely fit for his age

Ah.... That funny crazy man, always full of jokes and tricks!

He personifies integrity

A ball of energy who does whatever needs to be done

True gentleman, passion for life, energetic, enthusiastic, warm-hearted, friendly, kind and very articulant (sic)/well-spoken

Stunning; adorable; lovable; caring

His STANCE when you ask him a question - he stands hands clasped in front of him and his head cocked so he is looking at you from under his bushy eyebrows and says ."weeeelll..ummm".

He also always has a HUGE bunch of keys in his pocket A kind, humble, friendly and jovial man...a great guy!

The way he says "You bastad" when he hears you have seen a leopard, which he hasn't - or when you are going to be someplace he'd love to be, and he can't be there.

A great legend of the Wits dental school.....always involved... from RAG to outreach trips..the works.

Enthusiasm - yes, he oozes enthusiasm

He is one of greatest gentleman I have ever met and most amazing professional. Always very supportive of progress. I don't think words can describe how much he has contributed to our dental society

The MOST APPROACHABLE TEACHER that one could ever wish for - kind, respected, enthusiastic, energetic, sweet, boyish, lovable

The ever smiling boy

Charismatic and entertaining

The BEST ambassador, always shows such interest in everyone, loving man

A positive influence on all that had the privilege of passing through his hands

A guy with a sense of humour as well as a lot of common sense

Achieved so much yet anyone feels they can go talk to him as a pal


He's such a unique person with an astonishing vocabulary Jolly

Unbelievably talented and intelligent

His ability to bend wires into amazing designs is equalled (if not exceeded) by his knack for manipulating and contorting words into stupendous sentences

Despite the great man he is, he is still the nicest and most humble guy you ever met

I've never heard him say a bad word about anybody

I just love the way he dances with his wife


Always smiling, it's a pleasure to talk to him


He's one guy you WANNA go talk to

A yes man. Actually no, that gives the wrong idea. Rather is he a man who "knows NO Nos"

Outgoing, entertaining, die hard

Magnetic and jovial

Where do I start? Always helpful. Accommodating and friendly

Big hearted. He's like- um engaging, captivating, and never tiring

Energy - a ball of energy

Boisterous, exuberant, passionate man

Nothing is ever an issue for him. He is as happy acting as a janitor as he is as a professor. There is no job too big or too menial for him

The wise, enlightened smiling soul

A delightful, warm and generous gentleman

Friendly kind and a real gentleman

A man with a special brand of humour that always sees the best in others and doers not miss a chance to make friends with the profession and the dental trade

Man of many talents

Gregarious - always a gentlemen

Tall and quirky

He epitomises "Warmth, Generosity and Kindness" - a very special man indeed!

Always game for a challenge Determined, dogged and dedicated

Jolly old lad met kruisbande

Swiss army knife, and braces Always has something up his sleeve Benevolent Billy, bushy browed, gentle, funny man

A friend to the young at heart

There is a gentle giant who walks among us, and it is an honour to regularly cross paths with Prof Bill. He has had and continues to have a profound influence on everyone he meets - without ever being aware of this. A true gentleman, teacher and leader!

Energetic, helpful, cannot say no

A true scholar

The laugh, The voice, Eyebrows, Chin, Enthusiasm, Orthies, Mop of hair, Gentle, Teacher, Kind, Storytelling, Jokes, Energetic, Inquisitive, Jolly, High five, Pinkie clasp

Let me get my Leatherman out.

I'll do it

Always tries to make everyone feel comfortable - sometimes at his own expense: Len Becker recalls him chairing a congress and thanking and Afrikaans speaker in (very broken) Afrikaans! He then introduced Prof Len in English. Len responded by saying "Thank you Bill for NOT introducing me in Afrikaans"

Brilliant Bill Evans - Friend, Scholar, Gentleman, Inspiration, Legend

We Salute You!

Compiled by: Prof Leanne Sykes



William Greig Evans - Bill

A rock of a man is reaching a milestone of 80 amazing years in March 2018

Bill has dedicated his life to enriching the lives of others, in so many spheres, but most notably in the dental profession.

He has brought his own special brand of passion, enthusiasm, dedication and joviality to all the students he taught, the countless patients he has treated, and the colleagues he has mentored, guided, communicated with, inspired and empowered through his role at SADA, and as the editor of our Journal.

Bill is a man if true integrity. He can be relied onto keep his word, to be the first to offer help, to treat everyone equally - with kindness and respect, and to always go beyond the extra mile ...

On behalf of SADA, we as his friends, will like to invite you to come and join us in celebrating this auspicious occasion in the life of a TRUE GENTLEMAN...




Dear Friends. or as I described you during the Teddy-Bear party evening.... the pillars of my life.

I have been enormously privileged .the party was just so evocative of all the wonderful times I have been able to enjoy with you, the camaraderie and the warmth creating a special ambience.

For your generosity, for your kindness, but most emphatically for being a pillar, strong and tall in friendship over all these years, I thank you most sincerely.

The picture on this page shows some eighty teddy bears (counting every single example)... we are planning a trip to Wits Rural where there will be recipients who will each treasure their own Teddy Bear!

The Teddy Bear contributions were a wonderful thought and so generously brought to reality.

My sincere appreciation of your gifts.

And now.

The lights were out, the hallway darkened,
Around the corner
K C harkened:
"Come in and see
For BEARS there be
Gathered to show the party intended".

What a welcome, what a surprise
Was there a glisten in my eyes?
So many dear friends
Glad wishes each sends..
A special day to memorise.
Leanne with her heart of gold,
Makes one forget about getting old.
Her planning so secret
Her planning so perfect
So many ideas yet to unfold.

To all who made that evening so special
My appreciation is beyond the level..
But spills over to embrace
Eighty bears and ribbons and lace.
All the team deserve my medal!

Sincere appreciation and good wishes to all.




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