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SAMJ: South African Medical Journal

versión On-line ISSN 2078-5135
versión impresa ISSN 0256-9574


CHISHOLM, B S; SWART, A M  y  BLOCKMAN, M. Training, guideline access and knowledge of antiretroviral interactions: Is the South African private sector being left behind?. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j. [online]. 2022, vol.112, n.10, pp.806-811. ISSN 2078-5135.

BACKGROUND: South Africa (SA) has the largest antiretroviral therapy programme in the world. While the majority of the country accesses healthcare in the public sector, 15.2% access private healthcare. In 2019, dolutegravir was introduced as first-line treatment for HIV. Dolutegravir has clinically significant interactions with numerous commonly used medicines, e.g. rifampicin and cation-containing medicines such as calcium and iron. They require dosage adjustments, detailed in public and private HIV guidelines OBJECTIVES: To describe SA healthcare workers' guideline access, training and knowledge of dolutegravir's interactions, focusing on differences between the public and private sectors METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was done using an online survey of healthcare workers in the field of HIV in SA, conducted by the National HIV and TB Healthcare Worker Hotline. Convenience sampling was used, with electronic dissemination to users of the hotline and by relevant HIV-focused organisations. Simple descriptive statistics and statistical analyses were used RESULTS: A total of 1 939 surveys were analysed, with 22% from the private sector. Training on the dolutegravir guidelines was received by significantly fewer healthcare workers in the private sector v. the public sector: 42.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 37 - 48) v. 67.5% (95% CI I 65 - 70), respectively. Significantly fewer healthcare workers in the private sector had access to the guidelines (63.8%; 95% CI 59 - 69 v. 78.8%; 95% CI 77 - 81). When asked if they were aware that dolutegravir has interactions, just over half (56.9%) of healthcare workers in the private sector responded 'yes', 24.6% responded 'no' and 18.5% did not answer. Of those who were aware that dolutegravir has interactions, 48.9% knew that dolutegravir interacts with calcium, 44.6% with iron and 82.0% with rifampicin. Private sector knowledge of dosing changes was lower for all interacting drugs, with the difference only significant for calcium and iron. Private sector healthcare workers reported significantly lower levels of counselling on dolutegravir use in all appropriate situations CONCLUSION: Private sector healthcare worker access to HIV training and guidelines requires attention. In a high-burden HIV setting such as SA, it is vital that healthcare workers across all professions, in both the public and private sector, know how to adjust antiretroviral dosing due to clinically significant interactions. Without these adjustments, there is a risk of treatment failure, increased mother-to-child transmission and morbidity and mortality

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