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HTS Theological Studies

versión On-line ISSN 2072-8050
versión impresa ISSN 0259-9422


SUSANTA, Yohanes K.. Feminist trauma theology of miscarriage as an embodied experience. Herv. teol. stud. [online]. 2022, vol.78, n.1, pp.1-6. ISSN 2072-8050.

Miscarriage is the death of a foetus before it is born. Miscarriage is an event that can repeatedly occur in women's lives. Miscarriage can lead to trauma. This study aims to develop the concept of feminist trauma theology in the event of miscarriage and how the church should respond to this problem. The church is being challenged to give a serious response as evidence and a manifestation of its concern for the various struggles of Christian family life. The church can no longer just pray for a married couple to have children but also be a witness and provide the correct understanding to help families, especially women, become trauma survivors and experience recovery. CONTRIBUTION: This article describes feminist trauma theology as a significant proposition in answering the problem of miscarriage experienced by women. Building a theological understanding of the case of miscarriage must start from the body and women's experiences

Palabras clave : trauma; feminist theology; body; women; miscarriage.

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