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Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology

versión On-line ISSN 1445-7377
versión impresa ISSN 2079-7222

Indo-Pac. j. phenomenol. (Online) vol.12 no.2 Grahamstown jul. 2012 

Film as support for promoting reflection and learning in caring science



Ulrica Hörberg; Lise-Lotte Ozolins




Caring science that has a foundation in 'lived experience' may be viewed as a 'patient science', in other words nursing has its starting point in the patient's perspective. To support in learning caring science, the learning situation has to embrace the students' lived experience in relation to the substance of caring science. One of the challenges in education involves making theoretical meanings vivid in the absence of actual patients. Written patient narratives and fiction like novels in combination with scientific literature are often used in order to obtain lived experiences as the foundation for teaching. Questions concerning how film can be used in this context to support the learning of caring science have recently emerged. The aim of this study is to describe how film as learning-support may boost reflection when learning caring science. The data was collected through audio-taped seminars, written reflections and group-interviews with students on basic, advanced, and doctoral levels. The analysis is based on the Reflective Lifeworld Research (RLR) approach which is founded in phenomenology. The results show how film as a learning-support enhances the understanding of the caring science theory, and provides a deeper understanding of the subject. Film can be very touching and provides support for the students' embodied reflections. Hence, it is important that the students are encouraged to watch films from a caring science perspective. This requires a structure for learning-support related to the film, such as having a focus and purpose for watching the film, as well as support for follow-ups. The film itself does not create such support and guidance; instead, it must be combined with well-considered pedagogic thoughts on what learning is and how learning can be supported. The results are highlighted with the help of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of 'the lived body', and 'the flesh of the world'.



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About the Authors



Ulrica Hörberg (RN, PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Caring Sciences at Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden. She heads the Lifeworld Centre for Health, Care and Learning (HCL). Hörberg's current research focuses on the nurse-students' learning in healthcare contexts, and how the intertwining of theory and praxis is formed. Another research-area is the forensic psychiatric context, related to how families could be a resource in care. Hörberg has been a part of the development of the European Academy of Caring Science (EACS). She is also a member of a collaborative project between Linnaeus University, Sweden, and Bournemouth University, UK, which is founded on a common interest in Lifeworld-led Care and Education. E-mail address:



Lise-Lotte Ozolins (RN, MNsc, PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Caring Sciences at Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden. She heads a Lifeworld based Health Care Clinic in an educational setting at Linnaeus University. Her research focuses on the phenomenology of touch in health care and how phenomenology can support the understanding of Caring Science. Ozolins has been a part of the development of the European Academy of Caring Science (EACS). She is also a member of a collaborative project between Linnaeus University, Sweden, and Bournemouth University, UK, founded on a common interest in Lifeworld-led Care and Education. E-mail address:

Both authors are engaged in the Lifeworld Centre for Health, Care and Learning (HCL), Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.

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