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Journal of Contemporary Management

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7440

JCMAN vol.12 no.1 Meyerton  2015




What makes a hunting experience memorable?



P Van Der MerweI; M SaaymanII

ITREES (Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society) North-West University, Potchefstroom
IITREES (Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society) North-West University, Potchefstroom




Growth in the number of game farms and hunting lodges (operators) in South Africa has created fierce competition among these hunting operations. In order to remain competitive, it is important to determine what hunters regard as important in order to enjoy a memorable experience. The purpose of this study is to determine the aspects that contribute to a memorable hunting experience.
In addition, the study also determines which socio-demographic and behavioural variables influence memorability of the hunting experience. This was achieved by conducting a structured survey under biltong hunters in South Africa. Complete sampling was used. The data analysis consisted of three analyses, namely Factor analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-tests. Spearmen's correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the relationship between ranked variables.
The main findings of this study are that socio-demographic and behavioural aspects do impact on the motives of hunters to hunt and enjoy a memorable hunting experience. Occupations, method of the hunt and to hunt alone or in groups, exert the greatest impact on the said motives of hunters. It is also the first time that such a study has been conducted among South African biltong hunters.

Key phrases: hunting behaviour; hunting tourism; memorable experience; socio-demographic; trophy hunting; variables




One of South Africa's key wildlife product offerings is hunting, which takes place predominantly on private land. Therefore, enhancing the experience of the hunters could contribute to the sustainability of the hunting fraternity. The hunting fraternity in South Africa is based on two pillars: trophy hunting (mostly foreign hunters) and biltong hunting / meat hunters (mainly South African hunters). In this research, the focus fell on the biltong hunters only. Of the two, this is the largest group of hunters. Biltong hunting can be defined as a cultural activity where wildlife is hunted by means of a rifle, bow or similar weapon to obtain a variety of meat (venison) products, such as biltong and salami (Saayman, Van der Merwe, Rossouw & Oberholzer 2009:vii).

In both the academic community and the hunting fraternity, it is the belief that the essence of a hunt is the hunter's experience (Ritchie, Tung & Ritchie 2011:420). This experience originates from interactions between the hunter and the product offerings (Hosany & Witham 2010:353-355). LaSalle and Britton (2003) define experience as "a product or service that, when combined with its surrounding experiences and events, goes beyond itself to enhance or bring value to a customer's life". Schmitt (1999) adds that experiences are private, personal events that occur in response to some stimulation and involve the entire being as a result of observing or participating in a tourism event (or hunting event). Pikkemaat, Peters, Boksberger and Secco (2009:240) elaborate on this by maintaining that these experiences are the result of encountering, undergoing or living through situations that provide sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, relational and functional values.

According to researchers such as Curtin (2010), Jefferies and Lepp (2012), Kim, Ritchie and McCormick (2012), Kruger and Saayman (2012), Ritchie and Hudson (2009), Slatten, Krogh and Connolley (2011) and Tung and Ritchie (2011), a shift in recent research is evident, namely from simply selling an experience to rather selling a memorable tourism experience.

Jefferies and Lepp (2012:39) define memorable experiences as being "very special, emotionally charged, and potentially life altering in that they may contribute to personal growth or renewal of a person". Kruger and Saayman (2012:64-65) define a memorable experience as an experience that visitors not only remember, but also treasure long after the event is over; therefore it has mental, spiritual and physiological outcomes. Tung and Ritchie (2011:1370) postulate that a memorable tourism experience is composed of four important aspects, namely affect, expectations, consequentiality and recollection, meaning that the tourism (hunting) experience encompasses the entire trip, that is, pre-, during and post-travel. A memorable experience is therefore the essence and the raison d'être of the hunting industry (Slatten et al. 2011:80-90).

In the 1980's research conducted by Decker, Brown and Cutiérrez (1980:326) indicate that expectation has the ability to affect perceptions when choosing a hunting destination. Almost 30 years later Bosque and Martin (2008:553) and Komppula and Gartner (2013:178) still find this finding relevant to hunting. Enhancing the hunter experience regarding hunting yields many benefits, which include satisfied and loyal hunters, resulting in more return visits, increased visitor spending, longer stay and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. For the game farm or ranch owner, hunting outfitters, and professional hunters, it is important to realise that the future expectations and behaviours of hunters are often based on memories of prior hunting experiences (Curtin 2010:150).

Hence the purpose of this article is to determine the factors that contribute to a memorable hunting experience. The research has been carried out in order to facilitate an understanding of what is important from a hunter's perspective regarding a memorable hunting experience and how the socio-demographic (e.g. age, occupation, marital status) and behavioural variables (travel motives and experiences) influence the hunting experience.



The authors were able to construct a framework (Figure 1) for memorable experiences based on the literature study regarding memorable experiences within the wildlife tourism sector of which hunting forms part.



The works analysed in order to develop the afore-mentioned framework are those of Hautaluoma and Brown (1978); Coe (1985); Hammit, McDonald and Patterson (1990); Tynon (1997); Tremblay (2002); Moscardo and Saltzer (2004); Bulbeck (2005); Montag, Patterson and Freimund (2005); Cloke and Perkins (2005); Curtin (2010); Walls, Okumus, Wang and Kwun (2011); Kruger and Saayman (2012); Komppula and Gartner (2013); Van der Merwe and Saayman (2014). Of these studies the following focused predominantly on hunting experiences: Hautaluoma and Brown (1978:281), More (1984:340), Coe (1985:199) and Komppula and Gartner (2013:178).

The literature study revealed six important aspects of a memorable experience, namely hunter's characteristics, wildlife characteristics, management, actual encounter, natural setting, and equipment (Figure 1).

These aspects identified in Figure 1 were also used in the development of the questionnaire and are discussed as follows.

Hunters' characteristics include elements such as culture (origin, beliefs, religion and cultural practices), previous hunting experiences (number of times hunted before, where and what was hunted), social group (small group of friends, corporate group, different hunting groups), skills (handling of firearm, tracking skills, stalking skills, skinning of the animal), level of knowledge (concerning nature, the animal being hunted, hunting legislation, the firearm, and ammunition), hunters' behaviour (drinking, hunting ethics, and vandalism) and group interaction (how groups interact with each other individually as well is in group situations) (Good 1997:560; Hautaluoma & Brown 1978:282; Komppula & Gartner 2013:178; Moscardo & Saltzer 2004:180).

Wildlife characteristics refer to elements such as the size of the animals (big or small game), rareness and uniqueness of species (availability), whether they are dangerous (e.g., buffalo, leopard and lion; in other words the Big Five), the population (number of species in the population) and variety (different species to hunt), difficult to hunt, and the beauty of the animal (Coe 1985:199; Tremblay 2002:170).

Management of product includes aspects such as well-managed facilities (clean, good state, well equipped butcheries and trophy handling facilities), well managed game (male-female relations, number of off-spring, good health, and tick free), rules and regulations, crowding (not too many hunters), quality, skill, and knowledgeable guides (knowledge concerning species, the behaviour of species, skills such as tracking animals, and ability to find animals) (Komppula & Gartner 2013:179; Langenau, Morgan, Terry & Cue 1981:960; Tynon 1997:40).

Actual encounter indicates aspects such as a first hunt (the first time a hunter hunts a certain species or the first hunt ever), authenticity of hunt (whether it was a traditional walk-and-stalk hunt), surprise and novelty (the hunter did not expect to shoot a certain animal or species, desire to tell friends back home about the hunting experience), unforeseeable events (sudden change of animal, rifle that misfires, wounded animal got away), intensity of hunting experience (being close to the animal being hunted, an animal that charged, and a close stalk), uniqueness of encounter, close proximity of animal being hunted, and the fact that the game were harvested or killed (whether the animal was shot, the number of animals shot, any wounded animals) (More 1984:340; Tynon 1997:41; Van der Merwe & Saayman 2014; Walls et al. 2011:13).

Natural setting includes being able to be close to nature (rest camps that are situated in a beautiful natural setting), sounds and smell of nature (to hear animals and smell the wild), variety of species (numerous species to choose from while hunting) and number of species (large numbers of a particular species) (Hautaluoma & Brown 1978:281; Woods & Kerr 2010:11).

Equipment refers to the hunting gear (the rifle used, the ability of the rifle to take long-distance shots) and the amount of equipment that was available to assist the hunter in the hunt (Hautaluoma & Brown 1978:283).

To the knowledge of the authors and based on the analysis of related research on hunting experiences, no research in this regard has been conducted in South Africa. This is important where hunting tourism plays an important role in the wildlife tourism product on offer (Saayman 2009:372).

Previous research conducted in the rest of the world regarding hunting experience is relatively old (Hautaluoma & Brown 1978:281; More 1984:340; Coe 1985:199) except for a recent study by Komppula and Gartner (2013:178), and this research was also done in Europe and America of which the hunting situation differs considerably from the South African situation.

South Africa, for example, has a wider variety of game species, different natural settings, wildlife in South Africa has different characteristics, hunters have a different cultural back ground, and hunting products (game and game farms/reserves/ranches) are managed differently. All these facts make the current research important and relevant.

It is important for product owners of game farms or ranches to provide hunters with a memorable hunting experience from which they can derive long-term benefits (Decker, Brown & Cutiérrez 1980:330) by retaining the current hunters as well as attracting new hunters. Therefore the problem is: what aspects impact on biltong hunters being able to enjoy a memorable hunting experience?



Quantitative research by means of a questionnaire was conducted in order to achieve the aims of this study. The questionnaire comprised four sections. Section A captured the demographic detail of the hunters; Section B, the spending and species hunted; Section C, the method of hunting (Van der Merwe, Scholtz & Saayman 2011); and section D, the hunting experience and travel motives. The development of Section D (hunting experience) was based on the work of Hautaluoma and Brown (1978); Hammit, McDonald and Noe (1989); Hammit, et al (1990); Komppula and Gartner (2013).

The travel motivation question consisted of 28 constructs, and the section on memorable hunting experiences comprised 31 constructs. Typical statements in this section included an opportunity of being in nature, the fact that I shot something, well managed nature and game, the opportunity of hunting dangerous game, and camaraderie, to name but a few (see Table 1).



The questionnaire was administered by posting a link on the website of SAGHCA (South Africans Hunting and Game Conservation Association and CHASA (Confederated Hunters Association of South Africa), the two largest hunting associations in South Africa. Combined the members of the two associations total 17 000.

Complete sampling was used where all the members (N=17 000) of these organisations were selected. Wright (2005) stated that if the researcher made use of a membership email list (web-based), a sample frame could be established if each participant was to receive a unique code number.

Respondents were offered the opportunity of completing this questionnaire between February and October 2013, during which 671 (n) workable questionnaires were obtained. Using the sample size calculator, it was determined that a sample size of 267 (n) from 17 000 (N) upwards would result in a 5% margin of error and a confidence level of 90%. The sample size of this sample was 671 (n). Therefore the confidence level will be 95% (see Table 1).

The data obtained from the survey was captured in Microsoft Excel and was subsequently statistically analysed using SPSS 16 (Field 2006). The data analysis consisted of three analyses.

Factor analysis: The rotation method used for the principal axis factoring analysis was Oblimin with Kaiser Normalisation. Factor analysis is used to establish latent variables or factors among observed variables (Tustin, Ligthelm, Martins & Van Wyk 2005:523). In other words, the technique is used to reduce the data (Malhotra 2010). The interpretation of a factor analysis is facilitated by identifying the items that have sufficient loadings on the same factor (Mulder 2011). The ten resulting factors that were identified for the hunting experience accounted for 61.5% of the total variance, and the seven factors identified for the hunting motives accounted for 63.7% of the total variance (Glenn 1992:3).

According to Maree and Pietersen (2007:218), the variance explained must be above 50%. Cronbach's alpha was subsequently used to measure the internal consistency of the travel motives. Flucker and Turner (2000:385) confirm that Cronbach's alpha is the preferred measure of internal reliability, measuring the correlations between the items describing the same concept. Field (2006:669) and Cortina (1993) as in Field (2006) state that books or journal articles put forward that a value of 0.7 - 0.8 is an acceptable value for Cronbach's alpha, while substantially lower indicates an unreliable scale.

However, Cortina (1993) as in Field (2006) remarks that such general guidelines need to be treated with caution because the value of alpha depends on the number of items on the scale. For example, Cortina reports (1993) data from two scales, both which have an alpha of 0.8. The first scale has only three items, and the average correlation between items was a respectable 0.57. However, the second scale had ten items with an average correlation between these items of less respectable 0.28. Clearly the internal consistency differs, but both are equally reliable. Kline (1999) as in Field (2006:385) state that when dealing with certain constructs, values even below 0.7 can be seen as realistic. Field (2006) indicate that a sufficient loading depend on the number of construct or aspect within the factor. A factors with 2-3 aspects or constructs therefore can have lower Cronbach values and still be reliable. Field mention Cronbach alpha values of .5 to .3. This factor had only three aspects, therefore this argument of Field (2006) can be applied to Factor 7 (Success of the hunt).

In the case of this study some Cronbach's alpha were lower than 0.7. Factor 7 was the lowest but only had three items and, as Cortina (1993) and Kline (1999:743) rightfully said, can be seen as reliable. The inter-item correlation for this factor was 0.247 which indicates that the correlation between the items is satisfactory as the value for inter-item correlations must be between 0.15 and 0.55 (Field 2006:669).

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-tests were conducted in order to determine whether or not there was any significant difference between socio-demographic details of the respondents (Tunstin et al. 2005:523). The ANOVA test compares more than two independent groups combined with the Tukey's multiple comparison test. The t-tests were used to measure two independent groups that need to be compared based on their average scores on a quantitative variable (Maree & Pietersen 2007:30). Spearmen's correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the relationship between ranked variables.



The results will be discussed under three sub sections, being the factor analysis, ANOVA and t-tests.

4.1 Factor analysis

Two factor analyses were conducted: firstly, the motives of hunters, and secondly, aspects pertaining to a memorable hunting experience (See Table 2).



A 5-point Likert scale was used for the questionnaire. Seven motivational factors were identified from the 28 constructs ranging from interaction with nature to more personal motives such as adventure seeking. Regarding memorable hunting experience, ten factors from 31 constructs were identified that influence hunters having a memorable hunting experience.

4.1.1 Factor analysis: hunter motives

The factor that revealed the highest mean value (3.99) is Factor 1 (interaction with nature), thus making it the most important motive for biltong hunters to hunt (Table 1).

The second most important factor is Factor 7 (Venison) (mean value 3.96) which is also the reason why they are called biltong hunters. This factor includes constructs such as hunt for meat/biltong and it is an annual event. It is important to note that there is a slight difference between the mean values of these two factors (Factor 1 and Factor 7), which highlights their importance.

The third most important factor is Factor 5, namely to escape (mean value 3.7), which includes constructs such as to relax and to get away from regular routine. The factor rated as the least important was Factor 6, namely to hunt. This factor included constructs such as to hunt specific species, to collect trophies, and to explore new hunting destinations, which indicates that the outcome, namely the interaction with nature and for venison, is more important than the actual hunt.

4.1.2 Factor analysis: memorable hunting experience

The factor with the highest mean value and therefore the most important factor influencing the hunting experience is Factor 7, namely success of the hunt (mean value of 4.5). This is the first time that this factor has been identified. This factor includes aspects such as the fact that a wounded animal was found, shot placement, and that a wounded animal got away.

The second most important factor (mean value of 4.27) is Factor 9, namely product management. This factor included constructs such as management of hunter densities and game farm and reserve management.

The third most important factor identified is Factor 10, namely natural setting (mean value of 4.04). This factor includes constructs such as the scenery and ambience of game farms, smell and noises of animals, to be outdoors, and to enjoy nature.

The fourth most important factor is Factor 4 (socialisation). This factor includes constructs such as being with hunting companions, spending time with family, and camaraderie. The factor that was seen as the least important, which is exerting the least impact on the hunting experience, was Factor 5, the hunt/kill of game (Table 2b).



4.2 Socio-demographic results

The socio-demographic aspects measured in the questionnaire were gender, occupation, marital status, level of education, province of residence and income. From these socio-demographic aspects age, education and income showed little to no significant statistical differences. The socio-demographic variables that had a significant statistical difference were marital status, province of residence, and occupation and therefore recorded in the results.

4.2.1 Marital status

A t-test was conducted regarding marital status (Table 3) and measured against all motives and experience factors.



The only factor that revealed significant results is Factor 7 (meat/venison) The data revealed that it is more important for married hunters to hunt for meat/venison (Factor 7) than for other (referring to divorced, single, widow(er), and in relationship) respondents to do so, possibly because they have to provide for a family. Game meat (venison) is an important part of South African traditional cuisine (Van der Merwe et al. 2011).

4.2.2 Province of residence

ANOVA and post hoc tests were performed with regard to province of residence both for motives and memorable experience.

Hunting motives: A statistical significant difference was found for Factor 4 (family and friends) and Factor 5 (escape). A practical significant difference was found for Factor 3 (adventure) between respondents from KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. The results revealed that adventure as a motive for hunting is more important for respondents from Mpumalanga than for respondents from KwaZulu-Natal. This has not been previously identified.

A possible reason can be that hunters from Mpumalanga are more adventure orientated as Mpumalanga is known for its adventure activities and therefore hunters that stem from this province have been more exposed to adventure (Table 4) (South African Yearbook 2010:504).





Memorable experience: Regarding memorable experience, statistical significant differences were found for Factor 1 (management of game) and Factor 5 (hunt/kill of game) based on province of residence (Table 3).

A practical significant difference was found for Factor 2 (hunting expectations) and Factor 6 (adventure). Hunting expectations (Factor 2) was more important for hunters to enjoy a memorable experience from the Free State province than for hunters from KwaZulu-Natal.

This could be due to the fact that the Free State province has a smaller variety of species (Bothma 2006) and if hunters from the Free State hunt in other provinces where there is a greater variety of species, they would probably have higher expectations. Adventure (Factor 6) was seen as a more important factor for hunters from the Free State to have a memorable experience than for hunters from KwaZulu-Natal (Table 4). Again, as there is a smaller variety of species to hunt in the Free State, hunters look for hunting adventures in other provinces.

4.2.3 Occupation

ANOVA and post hoc tests were conducted for occupation both for hunting motives and memorable experience.

Hunters' motives: In Table 5 the following motives indicated a significant statistical difference in relation to occupation: they interact with nature, spend time with family and friends, escape, hunt, and for venison.



Post hoc tests were conducted on the said motives and revealed the following results:

A practical significant difference was found (p=0.02) among the mining fraternity and farmers regarding Motive 1, namely nature. The results revealed that the motive to be in nature is more important for people working in the mining industry than for farmers. This makes perfect sense since a farmer's working environment is outdoors compared to those in the mining industry who mostly work underground.

A statistical significant difference (p=0.015) was found for occupation regarding family and friends, escape and adventure, but the post hoc test revealed that there were no practical significant differences for the three mentioned motives post hoc.

A practical and statistical significant difference was found among managers and farmers regarding venison. The results indicated that the motive to hunt for venison is more important to managers than to farmers. Again, this makes sense as farmers have more access to meat than do managers.

4.2.4 Memorable experience

The following factors showed statistical significant differences for memorable experience of hunters:

For occupation, Experience 2 (hunting expectations (p=0.008)) a statistical significant difference was found (Table 6).



Practical significant differences were found for experiences, socialisation, infrastructure, adventure and hunter conditions. The post hoc test revealed that there is a practical significant difference between occupations such as technical and mining with regard to socialisation.

The results revealed that it is more important to people in the mining industry to socialise than to people working in the technical field.

The result further revealed that to people employed in the technical sector and farmers, infrastructure is less important than to all the other occupations in order to be able to enjoy a memorable experience.

The results also showed that for managers to have an adventurous experience is more important than it is for farmers to have this experience. Hunter conditions (the view that there were too many hunters; strict regulations) were rated as being more important to people in the mining industry than to people in the technical industry.

No logical reasons for these can be provided.

4.3 Behavioural results

Behavioural aspects such as number of hunting trips, number of days hunted, hunting alone or in a group, number of persons per group, hunting method, and preferred place to hunt were tested. The behavioural aspects that showed no statistical differences were the number of days hunted and the number of persons in the hunting group. Those that showed statistical significant differences are discussed below.

4.3.1 Hunting frequency

Spearman's correlation was performed and a small statistical significant difference was found for motives Factor 2, heritage and lifestyle; Factor 4, family and friends; Factor 5 escape and Factor 6 hunt as well as for Experiences Factor 3 (socialisation) and Factor 5 (hunt/kill of game) (Table 7).



4.3.2 Hunting alone or in a group

The t-tests were conducted for hunting alone or in (a) group. A statistical significant difference was found for experiences, socialisation, hunter conditions and product management.

The results revealed that socialisation impacts more on having a memorable experience for hunters who hunt in a group than for hunters who hunt alone. This makes sense as one would expect that hunters hunting in a group would also want to socialise while on a hunting trip.

Hunter conditions were found to exert a greater impact on having a memorable experience for hunters hunting alone than hunters hunting in a group.

Product management does impact more on memorable experience for hunters hunting in group than hunters hunting alone (Table 8). A plausible reason can be that hunters hunting in a group socialise more and need better infrastructures than the lone hunters that may be more serious about their hunt.



4.3.3 Hunting method

ANOVA and post hoc tests were conducted for the preferred hunting method. Hunting methods consist of different techniques, namely hunt from a vehicle, stalk the animal, lie down and wait, and hunt from hides (Table 8).

Hunters' motives: The following two aspects of hunting methods regarding motives revealed statistical significant differences, namely Factor 3 (adventure seeking) and Factor 6 (Hunt/ kill game). A practical significant difference was found for hunt/kill game (Factor 6). The results indicated that Factor 6, hunt/kill game (to hunt specific species, explore new hunting destination and collect trophies) is more important to hunters hunting from a vehicle than engaging in the lay-and-wait method.

This aspect, hunting from a vehicle, becomes more relevant when the hunt takes place in a very large open area because one could cover a large area with a vehicle.

Memorable experience: A practical significant difference was found for Factor 5 (hunt/kill of game). Hunt/kill of game was more important to hunters making use of the walk-and-stalk and vehicle methods than to those that lay-and-wait. A practical significant difference was found for Factor 10 (natural setting). Natural setting was more important to hunters hunting by walking-and-stalking than to hunters hunting from a vehicle (Table 9).



This makes good sense as hunters making use of the walk-and-stalk method interact more with nature.

4.3.4 Preferred place to hunt

Preferred place to hunt consists of two categories, namely bushveld and open area (such as the Kalahari and Karoo). Significant differences were found between the hunters preferring to hunt in the bushveld and those preferring open areas. Those hunting in the bushveld see all the motives (Table 10a) and experiences (Table 10b) as being more important than do those hunting in open areas.





Hunting in the bushveld is mostly done on foot because the thick vegetation does not allow hunting from a vehicle. Hence these hunters tend to experience nature more intensely, which might influence their motives and experiences.



The following findings and implications can be drawn from the results:

5.1 New factors identified

The factor analysis performed on memorable hunting experience revealed new as well as existing factors that were not previously identified, namely the success of the hunt, seeking adventure and infrastructure. This confirms that the more specialised a tourism product becomes the more distinctive the factors.

The other factors identified, namely management of game, hunting expectations, socialisation hunt, hunter conditions, product management, and natural setting have been previously identified by Bulbeck (2005); Cloke and Perkins (2005); Coe (1985); Curtin (2010); Hammit et al. (1990); Hautaluoma and Brown (1978); Kruger and Saayman (2012); Komppula and Gartner (2013); Moscardo and Saltzer (2004); Montag, et al (2005); Tynon (1997); Tremblay (2002); Van der Merwe and Saayman (2014); Walls et al. (2011).

The management implications of this finding for product owners are:

Success of the hunt: The research finds that the success of the hunt is directly linked to wounded animals being found, shot placement on animals, and wounded animals that had got away. These findings offer game farmers various management options. When hunters arrive at the game farm, the owners first need to determine the skill and ability of the hunter; this can be easily established by determining the previous experience of the hunters and by taking them to the shooting for practice shots. From the authors' own experience, some game farms even prevent hunters from shooting practice shots prior to going to hunt. If they are well experienced hunters, farmers could allow them to hunt alone as they would possess the skill and knowledge required to track down wounded animals.

It is recommended that the less skilled hunters make use of hunting guides, which would increase their ability to identify the correct animals to hunt and if an animal is wounded they will assist in finding it. As the hunting guides on game farms do play an important role in finding wounded animals, these guides must be well skilled; if not, they must be afforded formal as well as informal training that would improve their skills and knowledge (Giampiccoli, Van der Merwe & Saayman 2013).

Shot placement refers to the ability of a hunter to place the shot in an area which will be fatal to the animal such as the heart, lung, liver and brain. Therefore hunters need ample practice to allow them to fire good shots that would hit the vital organs of the animal being hunted. Shot placement can be improved by frequent practice and by making use of animal print targets which indicate the area where the vital organs of the animals are situated, as these differ for each type of animal. It is also important for the hunter to be aware of the location of the organs (heart, lungs) of each of the animals he or she will hunt before going to the hunting field. The game farm owner cannot assist with this, and the hunter must take care of these aspects.

Adventure seeking: The research finds that adventurous experience can be provided by product owners in hosting a variety of game species, which could provide hunters with various challenges and experiences; for example, nyala which is difficult to hunt and dangerous as they are aggressive animals versus blesbok which is generally easy to hunt (Ivins 2007).

To walk-and-stalk the animal can even provide more excitement for the hunter. The results also revealed that people employed in managerial positions look for more adventure-seeking hunts than some of the other occupations such as farmers. Product owners consequently need to take note of occupation differences in product development and when hosting hunters at their game farm.

5.2 Nature is essential

The research confirms finds that nature is essential in both the hunters' motives for hunting and having a memorable hunting experience, which correlates with earlier research findings of Hautaluoma and Brown (1978), Hammit et al. (1990), Komppula and Garter (2013) and Tynon (1997).

The management implication is therefore twofold. Firstly from a hunter's motive point of view, interaction with nature requires that product owners must provide hunters with the opportunity to reconnect with nature, for example, by letting them make use of the walk-and-stalk hunting method instead of hunting from a vehicle whenever possible.

Hunters are afforded a greater opportunity to learn about nature and animals by making use of this method. The results further indicated that for hunters employed in the mining industry, interaction with nature is more important. Again, product owners can determine the occupation of the hunters prior to their arrival and change the approach towards the hunt they will provide accordingly.

Secondly, from an experience point of view, the natural setting of the product must be considered. Natural setting refers to the scenery, ambience, smells and noises of animals and being outdoors. These aspects identified here can be used in the development of products and facilities, for example, outside showers, cooking areas, facilities that attract birds and animals to the rest camp where they stay, roads that follow scenic areas, hides that blend in with nature, and accommodation that blends in with nature, to name but a few.

5.3 Socio-demographic and behavioural aspects are important

Determining the motives of hunters and aspects impacting on hunters could result in a memorable hunting experience, and socio-demographic and behavioural aspects are equally important.

The implications of these findings for management indicate that product owners must take note of the identified socio-demographic details of hunters (their marital status, province of residence, and occupation) and their behavioural preferences (hunt alone or in a group, number of previous hunting trips, and their preferred place to hunt) when developing hunting and game farm products.

Practical examples would be to determine their province of origin (socio-demographic) and the preferred method of hunting (behaviour) of the hunters before arrival in order to ensure memorable hunting experiences. An example found in the research is that hunters from the Free State province differ from those living in KwaZulu-Natal in that adventure and expectations of the hunt are more important to them to enjoy a memorable hunting experience.

Different occupations also influence hunters' motives for hunting and having a memorable hunting experience. For example, it is more important to people in the mining industry to socialise than those with different occupations. Infrastructure was less important to farmers and adventure more important to managers.

These findings could be used to develop new products. Regarding the method of hunt, it was found that hunters that prefer to "lay-and-wait" and "walk-and-stalk", to kill/hunt an animal was more important. As there is no guarantee that hunters will succeed in killing or hunting an animal, product owners must provide them with sufficient opportunities to hunt by stocking a variety of game in large areas designated for hunting.

5.4 To kill game is the least important factor

The research finds that the least important factor that would impact the hunting experience was to kill game. This confirms the research conducted by Mulder (2011); Tynon (1997) and Van der Merwe and Saayman (2013), that found that the actual hunt (to back an animal) of an animal is not the most important reason for hunters to hunt."

Therefore the implication for management is that product owners must not only focus on the killing of game, but also provide hunters with the opportunity of enjoying the hunt, making them aware of the natural environment, and providing an opportunity to learn about the animal being hunted and its surroundings.



The aim of this research was to determine the aspects that contribute to hunters enjoying a memorable hunting experience. Quantitative research by means of a questionnaire was conducted in order to achieve the aims of this study. The statistical analysis used in this research includes factor analysis, ANOVAs, post hoc tests, Spearman's correlations, and t-tests.

The factor analysis performed on memorable hunting experience revealed three factors that have not been previously identified, namely the success of the hunt, adventure, and infrastructure. The correlation analysis clearly indicates that socio-demographic and behavioural aspects do impact on hunters' motives for hunting and enjoying a memorable hunting experience.

Socio-demographic aspects include marital status, province of residence, and occupation, whereas behavioural aspects include the method of hunt, preferred area to hunt, and hunting alone or in a group. Occupation, method of hunt, and hunting alone or in groups exert the greatest impact on the motives of hunters to hunt and enjoy a memorable experience.

The research has made the following contributions to the hunting fraternity and literature. Success of the hunt, infrastructure, and adventure were identified for the first time in this research and therefore the findings also make a new contribution to the literature pertaining to hunting experiences.

This study was the first time that research was conducted on the biltong hunters' market in South Africa, which is one of the leading hunting destinations in the world. This research will further assist product owners in product development in order to provide hunters with memorable hunting experiences.



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