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In die Skriflig

versión On-line ISSN 2305-0853
versión impresa ISSN 1018-6441


VAN WYK, Jan H.. 'Connected or committed critic?' Theologically pondered on the issue of 'Insider'- or 'Outsider' critic in South Africa. In Skriflig (Online) [online]. 2024, vol.58, n.1, pp.1-12. ISSN 2305-0853.

During the beginning of 2023, a conference was organised by a study group to be held in Stellenbosch later that year with the focus on the ideology of apartheid in South Africa, with special reference to prof. B.B. Keet, one of the first theologians to oppose this ideology. The author of this article was invited to attend the conference and present a paper. Unfortunately the conference did not take place, for various reasons, and subsequently the author decided to finalise his paper and present it as an article for publication. The author decided to look into the matter from two opposing views which were called 'connected critic' (criticism of the insider) on the one hand, and 'committed critic' (criticism of the outsider) on the other hand. Which road should be followed by prophetic theologians in their church, when they become convinced that their church is contradicting the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ? Should they stay inside the church (connected critic) and contribute their criticism from there, or should they leave the church while raising their voice from outside the church (committed critic)? CONTRIBUTION: The article starts with an introduction that investigates the views of Keet. Then three other voices are analysed, namely those of prof. W.D. Jonker of Stellenbosch (connected critic), Beyers Naudé of Johannesburg (committed critic) and at last the voice of the author himself (connected critic). In the end, the author explains why he had chosen for the option to be a connected critic. In a final conclusion, a few remarks are made as far as the future of South Africa is concerned

Palabras clave : apartheid; connected critic; committed critic; B.B. Keet; W.D. Jonker; Beyers Naudé; J.H. van Wyk; question mark.

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