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versión On-line ISSN 2305-445X
versión impresa ISSN 0254-1807


NKOMAZANA, Fidelis  y  TABALAKA, Abel. Proverbs, Community Building and Governance: A Critical Analysis of the Proverbial Saying, "Kgosi ke Kgosi ka Batho" in Botswana. Scriptura [online]. 2024, vol.123, n.1, pp.1-12. ISSN 2305-445X.

The paper examines an important Tswana proverb, "Kgosi ke kgosi ka batho".1 It discusses how the proverb facilitates and strengthens human relations in all aspects of life: the political, social, religious and economic spheres. The overarching objective is to examine the functional role of proverbs in conflict resolutions, democratic principles and good governance based on delegation and consultation at all levels in an African community. The paper argues that proverbs are succinct summations of how success, in any given role of responsibility, in this case, the role of kingship, is not dependent solely on an individual's intellect or their prowess. Rather, success in such positions of responsibility results from one's willingness to tap into the available 'democratic ' or communal wisdom and communal support. In discussing the proverb, Kgosi ke kgosi ka batho, the paper is not making any claim that this proverb is an actual representation of the conduct of kings in Botswana. Rather, the meaning behind the proverb is explored in terms of its potential in providing guidance and influencing the conduct of those in the position of kingship. The paper mainly depends on the review and analysis of existing literature in the field, which shows that the African worldview put strong emphasis on relationships in building the community. The paper concludes that the key purpose of proverbs is to promote a peaceful atmosphere through developing strong relationships in a society.

Palabras clave : Proverbs; Community building; Governance; Kgosi; Ethics.

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