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Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk
versão On-line ISSN 2312-7198
versão impressa ISSN 0037-8054


Social work (Stellenbosch. Online) vol.60 no.1 Stellenbosch  2024

 ·  Professional social work associations in Africa: a mirror of harsh realities or beacons of hope?
Engelbrecht, Lambert K; Jongman, Kgomotso

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 ·  Should the Covid-19 pandemic be considered a traumatic stressor? Some concerns for mental health professionals
Kagee, Ashraf

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 ·  Social development in Southern Africa in the wake of COVID-19
Ncube, Mpumelelo

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 ·  The experiences of youths who left child and youth care centres of the Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality during the Covid-19 pandemic
Zingwe, Fadzaishe Bridget; Lekganyane, Maditobane Robert

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 ·  Focus on communities and not projects: challenges faced by development centres in attaining sustainable livelihoods in Tshwane, South Africa
Skhosana, Rebecca Mmamoagi; Nel, Hanna

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 ·  The relationship between food insecurity, the child support grant and childcare arrangements
Tyabashe-Phume, Babalwa Pearl; Swart, Rina; Zembe-Mkabile, Wanga

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 ·  Experiences of social workers in working with health care practitioners: a multidisciplinary team approach
Maxhakana, Zama; Sithole, Mbongeni Shadrack

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 ·  Infidelity amongst young married couples: suggestions for social work intervention
Ngwasheng, Manare Belsie; Mbedzi, Rembuluwani Paul

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 ·  IsiZulu-speaking caregivers' perceptions on disclosing child sexual abuse
Mavhunga, Douglas; Boshoff, Pieter John

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 ·  Parents' experiences of participating in diversion programmes for children in conflict with the law
Malesa, Kgashane Johannes; Mashamba, Magala Erick

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 ·  Social work practitioners' and supervisors' conceptualisation of supervision at the Department of Social Development, King Cetshwayo District: a polity dualism
Gumbi, Sandile Ntethelelo; Mazibuko, Ntombifikile Margaret; Sithole, Mbongeni Shadrack

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 Book Reviews
 ·  In the balance. The case for a universal basic income in South Africa and beyond
Thomas, Christopher G

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