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Southern African Business Review
versão On-line ISSN 1998-8125
versão impressa ISSN 1561-896X


SABR vol.27  Pretoria  2023

 ·  The Role of Social Network Brand Personality in a Consumer-Brand Relational Model
Mutsikiwa, Munyaradzi; Maree, Tania

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 ·  Incubate-Based Challenges and Deficiencies to Successful Business Incubation in Northern Cape, South Africa
van der Spuy, Stephanus J. H.; Bornman, Dawid A. J.

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 ·  An Analysis of the Efficacy of South African MBA Programmes in relation to the 4th Industrial Revolution
Suleman, Aamir; Nieuwenhuizen, Cecile; Meyer, Natanya

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 ·  Improving Automotive Component Supplier Service through Physical Distribution Activities to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
Mkumatela, Yolisa; Tait, Madele; Howell, Jean

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 ·  Factors of Multi-Level Marketing Success Strategies Which Motivate Participants
Makore, Albert; Madziba, Evelyn; Moyo, Talak

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 ·  Value Network Configuration and Competitiveness of Emerging Agricultural Cooperatives in the Central Free State of South Africa
Orlu, Kingsley Nwenenda; Swanepoel, Jan Willem; Manasoe, Benjamin

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 ·  Institutional Isomorphism and Adoption of Activity-Based Costing in Tanzanian Manufacturing Sector
Molela, Godfrey; Kasoga, Pendo; Ismail, Ismail Juma

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 ·  A Performance Management System, Employment Relationships and Work Engagement Framework for the Public Sector in South Africa
Maake, Godfrey; Schultz, Cecile; Harmse, Cornelia

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 ·  Financial Performance and Green Supply Chain Management in a South African National Electrical Energy Provider
Langton, Irvine; Mafini, Chengedzai; Maotoawe, Nelson

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 ·  Understanding Opportunity Evaluation Prototypes in Search of more Entrepreneurs
Pretorius, Marius; le Roux, Ingrid; Millard, Sollie

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