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Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies
versão On-line ISSN 2224-0020
versão impressa ISSN 1022-8136


SM vol.51 no.3 Cape Town  2023

 From the Editors
 ·  Guest Editorial
Vrey, Francois; Reva, Denys

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 ·  In Memoriam - Prof Ian Liebenberg, 1960-2023
Steenkamp Fonseca, Raymond

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 ·  A Critical Reflection on African Maritime Cybersecurity Frameworks
Sime, Tefesehet Hailu

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 ·  Investigating the Intersection of Maritime and Cyber Crime in the Gulf of Guinea
Tachie-Menson, Elsie Amelia

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 ·  The African Shipping Sector, the Need for and Means to Achieve Effective Cyber Risk Management
Myers, Chris

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 ·  IOT and IIOT Security for the South African Maritime and Freight Transport Sectors
Pretorius, Barend; van Niekerk, Brett

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 ·  Vulnerability of South African Commodity Value Chains to Cyber Incidents
van Niekerk, Brett

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 Book Reviews
 ·  Fighting the Fleet: Operational Art and Modern Fleet Combat
Cares, Jeffery R; Cowden, Anthony

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 ·  The Naval War in South African Waters, 1939-1945
Kleynhans, Evert

        · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 ·  President Mandela's Admiral: The South African Navy's Story of the 1990s: Challenging Politics, Radical Transformation, Ambitious Voyages and the Quest for New Ships and Submarines
Simpson-Anderson, Robert C

        · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 ·  A Century of South African Naval History: The South African Navy and its Predecessors, 1922-2022
Wessels, Andre

        · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 ·  Die Affäre Patzig: Ein Kriegsverbrechen für das Kaiserreich?
van der Heyden, Ulrich

        · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )

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