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South African Journal of Industrial Engineering
versão On-line ISSN 2224-7890
versão impressa ISSN 1012-277X


S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng. vol.23 no.2 Pretoria Jan. 2012

 ·  Note from the editor
Adendorff, Susan

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 ·  Guest editorial: "Miraculous and Almost Godlike Tasks"?
Schutte, Corné

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 ·  The correlation between business strategy, information technology, organisational culture, implementation of CRM, and business performance in a high-tech industry
Chung, Y.C.; Hsu, Y.W.; Tsai, S.C; Huang, H.L.; Tsai, C.H.

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 General Articles
 ·  Can complexity analysis support business performance insight?
van Rensburg, A.C.J.

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 ·  System architecture and enterprise architecture: a juxta position?
Benade, S.J.; Pretorius, L.

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 ·  System of systems engineering: the link between operational needs and system requirements
Smith, C.J.; Oosthuizen, R.; Harris, H.; Venter, J.P.; Combrink, C.; Roodt, J.H.S.

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 ·  Development of a maturity model for telemedicine
van Dyk, L.; Schutte, C.S.L.

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 ·  Towards a new conceptual framework of e-maintenance
Vasiljevic, D.; Cvetic, B.

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 ·  Quantitative and qualitative methods in risk-based reliability assessing under epistemic uncertainty
Khalaj, M.; Makui, A.; Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.

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 ·  Geometric complexity analysis in an integrative technology evaluation model (ITEM) for selective laser melting (SLM)
Merkt, S.; Hinke, C.; Schleifenbaum, H.; Voswinckel, H.

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 ·  The concept of hybrid manufacturing for high performance parts
Boivie, K.; Karlsen, R.; Ystgaard, P.

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 ·  Overview of work piece temperature measurement techniques for machining of Ti6Al4V
Conradie, P.J.T.; Oosthuizen, G.A.; Treurnicht, N.F.; Al Shaalane, A.

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 ·  Limited run production using Alumide® tooling for the plastic injection moulding process
Combrinck, J.; Booysen, G.J.; van der Walt, J.G.; de Beer, D.J.

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 ·  Application of laser additive manufacturing to produce dies for aluminium high pressure die-casting
Pereira, M.F.V.T.; Williams, M.; du Preez, W. B.

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 Case Studies
 ·  Coordinated location, distribution and inventory decisions in supply chain network design: a multi-objective approach
Reza Nasiri, G.; Davoudpour, Hamid

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 ·  Forecasting method based on high order fuzzy time series and simulated annealing technique
Radmehr, F.; Gharneh, N.S.

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 ·  The pen is mightier than the scalpel: the case for electronic medical records
Hartmann, D.; Sooklal, S.

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 ·  An integrated systems approach to risk management within a technology-driven industry, using the design structure matrix and fuzzy logic
Barkhuizen, W.F.; Pretorius, J.H.C.; Pretorius, L.

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 ·  Ergonomic design recommendations based on an actual chainsaw design
Kaljun, J.; Dolšak, B.

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 ·  Physical modelling of terrain directly from surfer grid and ARC/INFO ASCII data formats
Modi, Y.K.; de Beer, D.J.; Agrawal, S.

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