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Journal of Student Affairs in Africa
versão On-line ISSN 2307-6267
versão impressa ISSN 2311-1771


JSAA vol.11 no.2 Cape Town  2023

 ·  Towards community-engaged, student-centred universities
Moja, Teboho; Schreiber, Birgit

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 ·  Transdisciplinarity and ubuntu ethics as principles for responsive, engaged, and student-centred African universities
Luescher, Thierry M.; Holtzhausen, Somarie M.

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 Research Articles
 ·  "Giving back is typical African culture": Narratives of give-back from young African graduates
Mahali, Alude; de Kock, Tarryn; Mathambo, Vuyiswa; Maoba, Phomolo; Mugeere, Anthony

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 ·  Ubuntu as a valued capability for university students in South Africa
Mathebula, Mikateko; Martinez-Vargas, Carmen

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 ·  An analysis of digital stories of self-care practices among first-year students at a university of technology in South Africa
Gumede, Dumile; Sibiya, Maureen Nokuthula

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 ·  Graduate transitions in Africa: Understanding strategies of livelihood generation for universities to better support students
Juan, Andrea; Cooper, Adam; Mathambo, Vuyiswa; Lawana, Nozuko; Mhlanga, Nokheth; Jowi, James Otieno

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 ·  Learning from students: Factors that support student engagement in blended learning environments within and beyond classrooms
Loots, Sonja; Strydom, Francois; Posthumus, Hanlé

        · resumo em Inglês | Africaner     · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 ·  Access to and effectiveness of support services for students in extended curriculum programmes at a South African university
Chetty, Lamese; Kepkey, Brigitta

        · resumo em Inglês | Africaner     · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 ·  Leading higher education transformation: The role of student affairs
January, Chanaaz Charmain

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 Reflective Practice
 ·  Using a student organisation to promote student-centredness at a South African university
Roopchund, Rishen; Seedat, Naadhira

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 ·  Diaries of establishing an entrepreneurship incubator at a health sciences university
Hungwe, Taurai; Mbirimi-Hungwe, Vimbai; Seeletse, Solly M.

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 Campus Report
 ·  Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) -Advancing and supporting leadership development in South African higher education through scholarship
Seale, Oliver; Schreiber, Birgit

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 Book Reviews
 ·  Global perspectives on student affairs and services: A handbook by B. Schreiber, R. B. Ludeman, C. R. Glass & G. Blanco (2023). Boston, US: Center for International Higher Education
Glass, Chris R.

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 ·  Student peer support initiatives in higher education: A collection of South African case studies by X. Cupido, N. Frade, T. Govender, E. Samkange & S. Pather (Eds.) (2022). Stellenbosch, SA: African Sun Media
Behari-Leak, Kasturi

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