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Journal of Geography Education in Africa
versão On-line ISSN 2788-9114


JoGEA vol.7  Pretoria  2024

 ·  Learners' and teachers' perspectives on the use of code switching in Geography teaching and learning
Khalema, Thabang Francis; Raselimo, Mohaeka Gabriel

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 ·  An evaluation of the inclusion of spatial thinking in undergraduate Geography modules: A case study of selected South African universities
Carow, Sanet; Pretorius, Rudi

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 ·  Representation of Climate Change Adaptation in Geography Education Modules at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Naidoo, Shaylen; Heath, Gavin

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 ·  Land dispossession and reform: An optic into South African Grade 12 Geography textbooks
Mkhabela, Zoleka; Manik, Sadhana

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 ·  Assessing the use of spatial information in environmental impact assessment reports: The case of mobile telecommunications projects in Plateau State (Nigeria)
Choji, Vincent D.; Rampedi, Isaac T.; Ifegbesan, Ayodeji P.

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