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SAMJ: South African Medical Journal

versão On-line ISSN 2078-5135
versão impressa ISSN 0256-9574

SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j. vol.111 no.11 Pretoria Nov. 2021




Ephraim Sheftel Benjamin, 15 July 1930 - 6 May 2021




Ephraim Benjamin (known as Benjy to his many colleagues and friends) was born in Cape Town, grew up in Muizenberg, and attended Wynberg Boys' High School, where he enjoyed cricket and excelled academically, before studying medicine at the University of Cape Town.

He then worked in London, and at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, returning to Cape Town to further his specialisation in the field of dermatology at UCT, where Dr Jack Jacobson, and later Prof. Walter Gordon, were his mentors and teachers in the Department of Dermatology. He graduated in 1966, the first person to gain a Fellowship in Dermatology in South Africa. In addition to running his own practice in the private sector, Ephraim continued to work in academia for many years, working at Somerset Hospital for 33 years and at Groote Schuur Hospital for 20 years, as well as at Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, Wynberg Hospital and Simonstown Hospital. He was still being consulted by patients until close to his death this year. He was awarded life membership of the Medical Association of South Africa in 1996.

Ephraim's dermatology colleagues knew him as a man who enjoyed a lasting and intense interest in dermatology. He continued to enjoy the joint Stellenbosch University/University of Cape Town medical meetings even when he was unable to attend in person.

Ephraim's late wife, Chana, who immigrated to Cape Town from Israel in 1950, was a notable academic in her own right, teaching Hebrew and German at UCT for many years. Chana passed away on 30 January 2005.

Ephraim met Helene and her family the following year, and they enjoyed 14 years of wonderful companionship for the last years of his life. He had no children of his own, but was more than welcomed as a father and grandfather by Helene's children and grandchildren.

Sue Jessop

Consultant, Division of Dermatology, University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa



'Having Ephraim in our lives has been such a gift. We have enjoyed the privilege of his wise counsel, and kind, wholesome nature. He conducted each interaction clearly, his content was consistently meaningful, and always ended on a positive note. "Mensch" is an understated description of a man who lived with humility and integrity. Our lives have been immeasurably enriched and we will cherish him in our hearts. Always.' (Natalie, 'adopted' daughter) 'Zeida, you truly are someone who is humble, loving, overflowing, giving, and such an extra-special person! We are so blessed to have had you in our lives. You were an exemplary role model to us, and we look up to you for all you have accomplished in your life. You will always have the most special place in our hearts.' (Tziyona and Elisheva, 'adopted' granddaughters)

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