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Water SA

versão On-line ISSN 1816-7950
versão impressa ISSN 0378-4738


LOTTERING, Naomey; DU PLESSIS, Danie  e  DONALDSON, Ronnie. Coping with drought: The experience of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in the George Municipality. Water SA [online]. 2015, vol.41, n.1, pp.01-08. ISSN 1816-7950.

This study investigated the extent of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) activities in the George Municipality in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, and its impact on water consumption. The WSUD approach aims to influence design and planning from the moment rainwater is captured in dams, to when it is treated, and reticulated to consumers, and extending to the point of wastewater re-use, as well as stormwater use. The study identified 8 WSUD sub-activities stemming from 4 main WSUD activities, implemented by the George Local Municipality. Water debtors' data were sourced in order to measure the effect of 3 of the 8 WSUD sub-activities on water consumption in selected areas. The analysis confirmed that the three WSUD sub-activities had a short-term impact on reducing water consumption in the suburbs where they were implemented. It is recommended that the municipality focus on improved planning and implementation of a diverse range of WSUD activities and implementing information and monitoring systems to evaluate the impact of these measures.

Palavras-chave : Drought relief strategies; George Municipality; integrated urban water management; South Africa; water sensitive urban design.

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