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South African Dental Journal

On-line version ISSN 0375-1562
Print version ISSN 0011-8516

S. Afr. dent. j. vol.70 n.3 Johannesburg Apr. 2015




Adrian Werendly Roux Rademeyer, 29 June 1939 - 18 March 2015




Adrian Rademeyer, or "Boeloe" as he was affectionately known to his colleagues and friends, passed away on 18 March 2015, at his home after a courageous battle with cancer, and in the company of his loved ones. With this, the profession lost one of its stalwarts and his family lost a loving husband and father. But his legacy of caring, to both family and patients, and his commitment to his chosen profession, will sustain his memory for many years to come.

Adrian was born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia), hence his nickname of "Boeloe". He matriculated at the Hoërskool Jan van Riebeeck in Cape Town in 1956, whereafter he completed his BChD studies at the University of Pretoria in 1961. During the years 1962 to 1977 he practiced as a dentist in Tzaneen, London and Cape Town. In 1977 he was appointed as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry, Stellenbosch University, a position he occupied until his return to general practice in Claremont, Cape Town in 1982. He was awarded the degree MSc(DentSci) by Stellenbosch University in 1986 and, even whilst in private practice, he maintained his academic involvement as part-time lecturer at the Faculties of Dentistry of Stellenbosch University and later of the University of the Western Cape, until his final retirement in 2013.

Boeloe remained actively involved in the affairs of his profession in many capacities: As long- time member of the local branch committee (Western Cape) of the former Dental Association of South Arica (DASA) and its successor, the South Africa Dental Association (SADA) and branch President in 1984/5; elected member of Federal Council and member of Exco (1984-1996); chairman of the Practice Review Committee, 1987 - 1995; Managing Editor of the South African Dental Journal (Feb 1999 - April 2002); Editorial Director, SA edition of Dental Update, 1982 - 1999; and Dental Mediator since 2011. These sterling services were recognized by his peers when he was awarded the DASA Bronze Medal and later Honorary Life membership of SADA. In addition, Boeloe was an elected dental member of the SA Medical and Dental Council (predecessor to the current HPCSA) and member of its Committee of Preliminary Enquiry (Dental) for the period 1990 - 1994.

Impressive as Boeloe's service to his profession may be, it was his inherent qualities of caring, compassion and unwavering ethical commitment that have endeared him to his colleagues, one of whom recently expressed these sentiments succinctly: "Boeloe was a moral compass to his peers". On a more personal note, Boeloe will be best remembered as the friend with the soft, sincere and engaging smile whilst enquiring about your well-being. Moreover, his artistic achievements and love of nature reveals a tender side to this remarkable man. Many colleagues are the privileged owners of one of Boeloe's stunning watercolour paintings and will thus be constantly reminded of a colleague who had made an indelible impression on the world around him.

Our condolences are extended to his wife, Patricia, and their three charming children, André, Charlotte and Jane, and his five granddaughters. It is touching to note that, in his CV, he lists these five granddaughters as his primary interest. May his family be sustained in this time of grief by the lasting and happy memories of a remarkable husband, father and grandfather. Our sincere thanks that we, his colleagues, were allowed to share Adrian's life with you.

May this gentle giant of the profession rest in peace; his task completed with unwavering integrity and sincere compassion. We salute a champion.

Wynand Dreyer