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    On-line version ISSN 2309-8392Print version ISSN 0018-229X

    Historia vol.54 n.1 Durban  2009


    Die ANC/SAKP in Angola: 'n Gevallestudie rakende interne demokrasie


    The ANC/SACP in Angola: A case study in internal democracy



    Leopold Scholtz en Ingrid Scholtz

    Leopold Scholtz is burohoof van Media24 in Brussel en buitengewone hoogleraar in Geskiedenis aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch Ingrid Scholtz is vryskut-dosent aan die Departement Joernalistiek aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch




    Die ANC/Suid-Afrikaanse Kommunistiese Party (SAKP) het altyd beweer dat die doel van hulle gewapende stryd, vryheid en demokrasie was. Een manier om dit te toets is om te kyk na die alliansie se praktiese toepassing van interne demokrasie in die jare van ballingskap. Met dié doel voor oë word in hierdie artikel ondersoek ingestel na die situasie in MK se kampe in Angola, die twee gewapende opstande in 1984, en die strafkamp Quatro. Twee paradigmas om die situasie te verklaar, word ontleed. Die een is die standpunt van die ANC dat die probleme die gevolg was van die apartheidsregering se spioenasie, en dié van die dissidente dat hulle eenvoudig 'ndemokratiese kultuur van verantwoordbaarheid wou hê. Die eindgevolgtrekking is dat ofskoon daar waarheid in die ANC se verklaring steek, dit 'nfeit is dat die alliansie se interne demokrasie veel te wense oorgelaat het.

    Sleutelwoorde: African National Congress (ANC); Angolese kampe; demokrasie; gewapende stryd; Suid-Afrikaanse Kommunistiese Party (SAKP); Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)


    The ANC/South African Communist Party (SACP) has always maintained that the purpose of their armed struggle was freedom and democracy. One way of testing this assertion is to investigate the alliance's practice of internal democracy during the years of exile. To this end, this article looks at the situation in MK's camps in Angola, the two armed uprisings in 1984, and Quatro punishment camp. Two paradigms for explaining the situation is analysed - the ANC saying that it was a result of the apartheid government's spying; and the dissidents stating that they simply wanted a democratic culture of accountability. The final conclusion is that while the ANC's explanation is not entirely off the mark, it remains a fact that the alliance's internal democracy left much to be desired.

    Key words: African National Congress (ANC); Angolan camps; armed struggle; democracy; South African Communist Party (SACP); Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)



    Full text available only in PDF format.



    1 T Bopela and D Luthuli, Umkhonto we Sizwe. Fighting for a Divided People (Galago, Alberton, 2005), pp 45-51         [ Links ]
    2 T Karis and G Gerhart (eds), From Protest to Challenge V (Unisa, Pretoria, 1997), p 28 Vergelyk ook: R M Ranilala and others,         [ Links ] "The Wankie and Sipolilo campaigns", in B Magubane (ed), The Road to Democracy in South Africa I (1960-1970) (Zebra Press, Cape Town, 2004), pp 482-483         [ Links ]
    3 T Mali, Chris Hani. The Sun that set Before Dawn (SACHED Trust, Johannesburg, 2000), pp 40-41         [ Links ]
    4 B Turok, Nothing but the Truth. Behind the ANC's Struggle Politics (Jonathan Ball, Johannesburg, 2003), p 231         [ Links ]
    5 N van Driel, "The Luthuli Detachment and the Wankie campaign, July-September 1967" (http://www sahistory org za/pages/sources/vandriel-thesis/ menu-index htm);         [ Links ] Ranilala and others, "The Wankie and Sipolilo campaigns", Chapter 12
    6 Karis & Gerhart (eds), From Protest to Challenge V, pp 85-87;         [ Links ] S Ellis and T Sechaba, Comrades against Apartheid. The ANC & the South African Communist Party in Exile (James Currey, Londen, 1992), p 47         [ Links ]
    7 S Thomas, The Diplomacy of Liberation. The Foreign Relations of the ANC since I960 (Tauris, Londen, 1996), p 52;         [ Links ] T Lodge, Black Politics in South Africa since 1945 (Ravan, Johannesburg, 1983), p 300         [ Links ]
    8 "ANC structures and Personnel, 1960-1994" - Bylae I by die ANC se voorlegging aan die WVK (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2a html#APPENDIX 1)
    9 "Report of the Commission of Enquiry into complaints of former African National Congress prisoners and detainees", 1992, paragraph J (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/skweyiya html), hierna aangedui as die Skweyiya-verslag
    10 "Report of the commission of enquiry into certain allegations of cruelty and human rights abuse against ANC prisoners and detainees by ANC members", 20 August 1993, p 24, in ons besit en hierna aangedui as die Motsuyenyane-verslag
    11 Ellis & Sechaba, Comrades Against Apartheid, p 202
    12 J Stuart (pseudonym of Hermanus Loots), "Commission of Inquiry into recent developments in the People's Republic of Angola", Lusaka, 14 April 1984 II" (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/stuartreport html), hierna aangedui as die Stuart-verslag
    13 "African National Congress Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission", Augustus 1996 (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trctoc html)
    14 "African National Congress Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission"; Een van dié "outobiografieë", naamlik dié van Tony Yengeni, is gepubliseer Kyk: "Extracts from the SACP's secret papers", Molotov Cocktail, March 2007, pp 26-27
    15 V Shubin, ANC: The View from Moscow (Mayibuye, Bellville, 1999), p 312         [ Links ]
    16 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 41
    17 C Smith, "The execution of a camp commander", Mail & Guardian, 30 October 1998; H Barrell, "Suspended NIA official was Quatro boss", Mail & Guardian, 3 December 1999
    18 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 33
    19 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 41
    20 "African National Congress Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission", August 1996 (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trctoc html)
    21 Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report 2/4, p 347, paragraph 99
    22 H Barrell, "Conscripts to their Age African National Congress Operational Strategy, 19761986" D Phil thesis, University of Oxford, 1993, Chapter 5 (www sahistory org za/pages/library-resources/thesis/barrel thesis/CHAPT5 htm)         [ Links ]
    23 H Marais, "Hani opens up", Work in Progress, June 1992, p 19         [ Links ]
    24 Marais, "Hani opens up", p 19
    25 B Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives. Personal Accounts of the Liberation Struggles (Index Books, Londen, 1997), pp 59-64         [ Links ]
    26 Stuart-verslag II (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/stuartreport html)
    27 B Goldblatt and S Meintjes, "Gender and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission A submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission", May 1996 (www doj gov za/trc/submit/gender htm)
    28 R Suttner, "Access to women's bodies and the warrior tradition", Sunday Times, 12 August 2007         [ Links ]
    29 Ellis & Sechaba, Comrades against Apartheid, p 192
    30 Testimony: T Williams, 18 June 1996 (www doj gov za/trc/hrvtrans/ umtata/williams htm)
    31 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 38
    32 Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, p 64         [ Links ]
    33 M Twala and E Benard, Mbokodo. Inside MK: Mwezi Twala - a Soldier's Story (Jonathan Ball, Johannesburg, 1994), p 52         [ Links ]
    34 Dié eenman-kommissie onder die leiding van advokaat R S Douglas, SC, is deur die Washington International Freedom Foundation, 'n konserwatiewe organisasie, gevra om die ANC/SAKP se menseregte-vergrype in Angola te ondersoek In sy tweede voorlegging voor die WVK (paragraaf 3 5 5), beweer die ANC dat dit deel was van "state-sponsored campaigns to discredit the ANC", maar die bewering word nie gestaaf nie Die belangrikste punte in die verslag wyk nie opmerklik van ander ondersoeke af nie
    35 "The report of the Douglas Commission", 1993, p 25, in ons besit, hierna aangedui as die Douglas-verslag
    36 Douglas-verslag, pp 31-32
    37 Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times. Revolutionary Lives, p 65         [ Links ]
    38 Stuart-verslag II (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/stuartreport html); Twala, Mbokodo, pp 54-57 Vergelyk ook: Ellis & Sechaba, Comrades against Apartheid, pp 129-130; Testimony: O S Mngqibisa, 25 July 1996 (www doj gov za/trc/trc frameset htm)
    39 Stuart-verslag II ( html)
    40 Testimony: D Mthembu at TRC, 22 July 1997 (www doj gov za/trc/special/prison/mthembu htm)
    41 Testimony: D Mthembu, p 19; Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, pp 66-67         [ Links ]
    42 Die beskrywing van die gebeure te Viana berus op die volgende bronne: Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 38-40; Stuart-verslag II (http://www anc org za/_ancdocs/misc/stuartreport html); Douglas-verslag, pp 18-23; Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, pp 67-70; Twala: Mbokodo, pp 59-66; Ellis & Sechaba, Comrades against Apartheid, pp 132-134; Testimony: L Dyasop at TRC, 25 July 1996 (www htm)
    43 Twala, Mbokodo, p 67
    44 Stuart-verslag II (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/stuartreport html)
    45 Stuart-verslag II (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/stuartreport html), pp 26-29
    46 Die beskrywing van die gebeure by Pango berus op die Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 40; Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, pp 77-81; Ellis & Sechaba, Comrades against Apartheid, p 135
    47 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 41
    48 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 42
    49 Tweede voorlegging van die ANC aan die WVK, 3 2 (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2d html#Appendix%206)
    50 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 43
    51 T Cleveland, "'We still want the truth': The ANC's Angolan detention camps and postapartheid memory", Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 25, 1, 2005, p 63         [ Links ]
    52 Electronic Mail & Guardian, 25 July 1997 (Beëdigde verklaring van Goitseone Gordon Mashoeu)
    53 Testimony: L Dyasop at TRC, 25 July 1996 (www doj gov a/trc/trc_frameset htm)
    54 Die beskrywing van die toestande in Quatro berus op die volgende bronne: Skweyiya-verslag, paragrawe H, I, J, K en L; Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 43-46; Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, pp 81-88; Twala, Mbokodo, pp 78-101
    55 Skweyiya-verslag, paragraaf 'n(http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/skweyiya html)
    56 Testimony: G Dube, 19 April 1996 (www doj gov za/trc/trc frameset htm)
    57 Douglas-verslag, p 30
    58 Stuart-verslag II (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/stuartreport html)
    59 Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 27, 29
    60 Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 27-28; S Ellis, "Mbokodo: Security in ANC Camps, 1961-1990", African Affairs, 93, 1994, p 294;         [ Links ] Marais: "Hani opens up", p 19
    61 Skweyiya-verslag, paragraaf J (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/_skweyiya html); Douglas-verslag, pp 36-37
    62 Twala, Mbokodo, pp 102-114
    63 Motsuyenyane-verslag, p 46 Vergelyk ook Douglas-verslag, pp 16-17, 33
    64 Testimony of A Masondo, p 46 (http://cryptome org/za-masondo txt)
    65 Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 45, 46; Skweyiya-verslag; Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, p 83
    66 R Kasrils, Armed and Dangerous. From Undercover Struggle to Freedom (Mayibuye, Bellville, 1998), p 252         [ Links ]
    67 Kasrils, Armed and Dangerous, p 254
    68 Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 28, 46 Vergelyk ook Douglas-verslag, pp 16-17, 33
    69 Goldblatt & Meintjes, "Gender and the TRC" (www doj gov za/trc/submit/gender htm)
    70 L Callinocos, Oliver Tambo. Beyond the Engeli Mountains (David Philip, Claremont, 2004)         [ Links ]
    71 Twala, Mbokodo, pp 78, 100-101
    72 Openingstoespraak, 16 Junie 1985 (www anc org za/ancdocs/history/or/or85-4 html)
    73 P Trewhela, "Obituary: Professor Jack Simons", The Independent, 19 September 1995
    74 Marais, "Hani opens up", p 19
    75 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 3 (http://www anc html)
    76 "Commission on cadre policy, political and ideological work" (www anc org za ancdocs/history/conf/kabcadre html)
    77 "National preparatory committee composite and organisational report" (www anc org za/ancdocs/history/conf/kabcomp html)
    78 "Report, main decisions and recommendations of the second national consultative conference of the African National Congress" (www anc org za/ancdocs/history/conf/kabrep html)
    79 "Report of commission on national structures, constitutional guidelines and codes of conduct" (www anc org za/ancdocs/history/conf/kabcode htm)
    80 "Operations Report: The Department of Intelligence and Security of the African National Congress" (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2d html)
    81 Speech, Lusaka, 8 January 1987 (www anc org za/ancdocs/history/or/or87-2 html)
    82 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 3 (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2 html)
    83 Barrell, "Conscripts to their Age", Chapter 10 (www sahistory org za/ pages/library-resources/thesis/barrel thesis/CONC htm)
    84 Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 26, 50-51; Skweyiya-verslag, paragraaf 'n(http://www anc org za/ ancdocs/misc/skweyiya html)
    85 Sapa-Reuter, "ANC still stands accused", Sowetan, 9 September 1991
    86 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 3 (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2 html)
    87 Motsuyenyane-verslag, pp 29, 57; Skweyiya-verslag, paragraaf 'n(www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/skweyiya html); "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 3 (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2 html)
    88 Onderhoud met Paul Trewhela, 14 Junie 2004 (www omalley co za)
    89 Cleveland: "'We still want the truth'", p 68
    90 "Accused ANC camps abuser made MK commissar", Weekly Mail & Guardian, 13 August 1993
    91 Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission II, Chapter 4, paragraph 144 Die hele ondervraging, wat met geslote deure gebeur het, het uitgelek en is gepubliseer by http://cryptome org/za-masondo txt
    92 Testimony: A Masondo at txt
    93 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 3 (http://www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2 html)
    94 T Lodge: "Spectres from the camps - the ANC's commission of enquiry", Southern Africa Report, 8, 3-4, January-February 1993, p 19 Soortgelyke woorde kom voor in: A Harber, "Senior ANC officer will bear the blame", Weekly Mail, 14-20 August 1992
    95 M Molete, "Quatro primitive, says ANC official", The Star, 19 May 1993 Die opskrif slaan op Joe Nhlanhla, wat van Piliso oorgeneem het Kyk ook: D van Eeden: "Former ANC official tells of camp torture", Business Day, 18 May 1993
    96 Letter: R Kasrils - P Swart, 22 October 2004 (www insidepolitics org za/blog_details aspx?EntryId=52&page=search)
    97 "Death of Mzwai Piliso", 26 June 1996 (www anc org za/ancdocs/pr/1996/pr0626 html)
    98 Aangehaal in: G van Onselen: "Who was the butcher?" (www ever-fasternews com/index php?php_action=read_article&article_id=121)
    99 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 5 1 (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trac2 html)
    100 H Barrell: "Suspended NIA official was Quatro boss", Weekly Mail & Guardian, 3 December 1999         [ Links ]
    101 Testimony: GM Mthembu, 3 April 1998, p 21 ( txt)
    102 Speech, 2 July 1991 (www anc org za/ancdocs/history/or/or91-3 html)
    103 "African National Congress Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission", paragraphs 6332 & 6333 (www anc org za/andcdocs/misc/trcall html)
    104 "African National Congress Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission", paragraph 5 4 (www anc org za/andcdocs/misc/trcall html)
    105 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trac2 html)
    106 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", appendix 6, paragraph 3 (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trac2 html)
    107 "Operations Report: The Department of Intelligence and Security of the African National Congress" (www anc org za/ancdocs/misc/trc2d html)
    108 Letter: R Kasrils - P Swart, 22 October 2004 (www insidepolitics org za/blog_details aspx?EntryId=52&page=search)
    109 M Molete, "ANC's day of judgement on nagging torture claims", The Star, 23 June 1993         [ Links ]
    110 Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, p 58
    111 Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, pp 60, 61
    112 Testimony: T Williams, 18 June 1996 (www doj gov za/trc/hrvtrans/umtata/williams htm)
    113 Onderhoud met M Spaarwater, 19 Januarie 2003 (www omalley co za) Vergelyk ook die getuienis van luitenant A Pretorius van Militêre Inligting (SAW), dat die ANC, MK en MK se inligtingsafdeling "up to the highest level" geïnfiltreer was - 4 Oktober 2000 ( htm)
    114 Stuart-verslag, Deel 3 ( html)
    115 Stuart-verslag, Deel 2 ( html)
    116 S Ellis, "Mbokodo: Security in ANC camps, 1961-1990", African Affairs, 93, 1994, p 283         [ Links ]
    117 Kyk hieroor: L en I Scholtz, "Die oorsprong en ontwikkeling van die SA Kommunistiese Party se tweefaserevolusiemodel I & II", Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 45, 3&4, September & Desember 2005
    118 L Ngculu, "The honour to serve: memories of the June 16 Detachment" ( html)
    119 Die titels sluit in: The White Class Alliance in South Africa and its Relation to International Capitalism; The Changing Class Structure of South Africa: The African Petit-Bourgeoisie; The Nature of the South African Ruling Class; How Capitalism in South Africa Works; Class Concepts, Class Struggle and Racism; People's Power in Townships; ensovoorts Sien: H Schleicher, Südafrikas neue Elite. Die Prägung der ANC-Führung durch das Exil (Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg, 2004), p 65         [ Links ]
    120 N Shezi, "The role of political education in MK", Dawn, 2, 1980, p 3
    121 Vergelyk: M Legassick: Towards Socialist Democracy (University of Kwazulu-Natal Press, Scottsville, 2007), p 334         [ Links ]
    122 I Makana, "Our army needs a dynamic political programme", Dawn, 8, 1983, p 8         [ Links ]
    123 Karis & Gerhart (eds), From Protest to Challenge V, p 404 (verklaring van die agt geskorste ANC-lede, Londen, 27 Desember 1975)
    124 Vergelyk: Legassick se weergawe in M Legassick: Towards Socialist Democracy (University of Kwazulu-Natal Press, Scottsville, 2007), pp 25-28         [ Links ]
    125 Schleicher, Südafrikas neue Elite, pp 265-271 Die aanhaling kom voor op p 268
    126 P Trewhela, "Mbeki & AIDS in Africa: A comment", New York Review of Books, 19 October 2000
    127 J Slovo, "Beyond the stereotype: The SACP in the past, present and future" ( php?include=docs/history/stereotypeJS html)
    128 Kasrils, Armed and Dangerous, p 177
    129 Marais, "Hani opens up", p 19
    130 Ellis, "Mbokodo: Security in ANC camps, 1961-1990", African Affairs, 93, 1994, p 295         [ Links ]
    131 Schleicher, Südafrikas neue Elite, p 67
    132 Testimony: O S Mngqibisa, 25 July 1996 (
    133 "Statement on signing declaration, on behalf of the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe, adhering to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol 1 of 1977, at the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva", 28 November 1980 ( html)
    134 Teks van die protokol by htm.
    135 "Further submissions and Responses by the ANC to questions raised by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation", paragraph 3 2 ( html)
    136 Stuart-verslag, Deel 3 ( html)
    137 Vergelyk: A Shipanga, In Search of Freedom (Ashanti, Gibraltar, 1989), Chapters 23-31; L Dobell, Swapo's Struggle for Nambia, 1960-1991: War by other Means (Schlettwein, Basel, 1998), pp 47-51; S Groth, Namibia - the Wall of Silence. The Dark Days of the Liberation Struggle (Hammer, Wuppertal, 1995), pp 55-66; J S Saul and C Leys, "SWAPO The Politics of Exile", in C Leys & J S Saul, Namibia's Liberation Struggle. The Two-Edged Sword (James Currey, London, 1995), pp 48-53; C Leys and J S Saul, "Liberation without democracy? The Swapo crisis of 1976", Journal of Southern African Studies, 20, 1, March 1994, pp 123-147; Myers (ed), Revolutionary Times, Revolutionary Lives, pp 32-48 Vir 'n Swapo-blik op die krisis, sien: P H Katjavivi, A History of Resistance in Namibia (James Curry, London, 1988), pp 105-108
    138 Groth, Namibia: The Wall of Silence, pp 100, 101-102         [ Links ]
    139 P Steenkamp, "The Churches", in Leys & Saul, Namibia's Liberation Struggle, p 106 Vir ooggetuieverslae oor die mishandeling van gevangenes, sien: Groth, Namibia: The Wall of Silence, pp 114-129
    140 Leys & Saul, "Liberation without democracy?", p 145
    141 Leys & Saul, "Liberation without democracy?", p 145
    142 PL Moorcraft, A Short Thousand Years. The End of Rhodesia's Rebellion (Galaxie Press, Salisbury, 1979), p 162         [ Links ]
    143 Vergelyk: The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, Gukurahundi in Zimbabwe. A Report on the Disturbances in Matabeleland and the Midlands 1980-1988 (Jacana, Johannesburg, 2007); P Stiff: Cry Zimbabwe. Independence - Twenty Years On (Galago, Alberton, 2000), Chapters 13-15         [ Links ]
    144 R W Clark, Lenin. The Man behind the Mask (Faber & Faber, Londen, 1988), p 370         [ Links ]
    145 P Johnson, Modern Times. A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1990s (Phoenix, London, 1996), p 113;         [ Links ] A Applebaum, Gulag. A History of the Soviet Camps (Allen Lane, London, 2003), p 32         [ Links ]
    146 Applebaum, Gulag, pp 515-520
    147 P Regoulot, "Het Communisme in Azië: China, Vietnam, Laos en Cambodja", in S Courtois (red ): Zwartboek van het Communisme. Misdaden, Terreur, Onderdrukking (Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam, 1997), pp 638, 663;         [ Links ] J Becker: Hungry Ghosts. China's Secret Famine (John Murray, Londen, 1996), pp 270-271         [ Links ]
    148 J Glover, Humanity. A Moral History of the Twentieth Century (Jonathan Cape, London, 1999), p 255         [ Links ]
    149 Onderhoud met Paul Trewhela, 13 Junie 2004 (