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Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research
On-line version ISSN 2219-0635Print version ISSN 0030-2465
Onderstepoort j. vet. res. vol.76 n.4 Pretoria 2009
Traditional remedies used for the treatment of cattle wounds and myiasis in Amatola Basin, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
O.T. SoyeluI; P.J. MasikaII
IDepartment of Animal Science, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of Fort Hare, Private Bag x1314, Alice, 5700 South Africa
IIAgricultural and Rural Development Research Institute (ARDRI), University of Fort Hare, Private Bag x1314, Alice, 5700 South Africa
A questionnaire survey was carried out to document traditional remedies used in the treatment of cattle wounds and myiasis in Amatola Basin. Eighty-three cattle farmers from nine villages were interviewed. The majority of respondents (67.9 %) use traditional remedies for treatment of these conditions. However, 25.9 % of them use a combination of traditional remedies with conventional medicines. The survey revealed that 13 medicinal plants belonging to 11 families were used. Aloe ferox, Prunus persica and Phytolacca heptandra were, however, the most commonly used. Leaves are the most frequently used plant part, often prepared as an infusion. Other non-plant remedies used include disinfectants, antiseptics as well as diesel and petrol. Manual removal of maggots from wounds was also practise and treatment is usually continued until the wound heals.
Keywords: Cattle, medicinal plants, myiasis, remedies, wounds
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Accepted for publication 16 April 2009-Editor
* Author to whom correspondence is to be directed. E-mail: